Here's the background info: With DS1, I went to the hospital to be induced, but ended up going into labor on my own. I dilated from 1-10 cm in an hour. It was SO painful that they ended up allowing me to have an epidural when I had already reached 10. I pushed and pushed, and of course couldn't feel a thing, but DS never descended. However, the nurse in L&D with me was awful and wouldn't tell me when I was having contractions, so I feel like there were a lot of missed opportunities.
Now, I'm pg with #2 and can't decide if I should attempt a vbac or schedule a 2nd c/s. My doctor seems to think that the same scenario would play out with the baby not descending again.
I just feel like I'll always wonder if I really am not structurally made to have a baby vaginally or if it was due to me getting the epi so late combined with a terribly unsupportive nurse.
Re: Given this scenario, would you attempt a vbac?
Matthew Kevin
Met 1/8/00
Engaged 4/21/06
Married 9/29/07
Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos)
Day Three
VBAC! This was my situation. I reach 10 cm and pushed for 2.5 hours and DS never got past my hips. They told me I was not the ideal candidate for a VBAC, but allowed me to try for it since I had no absolute contraindications.
I reached 10 cm with DD and pushed for 3 hours. Turns out my tailbone protruded into my pelvic space which narrowed it and forced both kids to be in the transverse position. I had a very patient OB and even though structurally, I shouldn't have been able to push DD out, he tried everything and I had a successful VBAC. It was so important to have an OB who wanted that VBAC as much as I did.
Depends on the doc/hospital. The Kaiser here would have induced me, even though I was a VBAC. Low levels of pitocin, Foley catheter, etc. But they wouldn't do the cervadil.
I went into labor 4 days before my induction appointment...which was scheduled for 42 weeks. I'm glad they gave me that extra time to go into labor on my own!