WTF? So Monday morning I see that the goldfish is laying on it's side (he wasn't dead yet because he perked up when I tapped the tank) so I told my mom who was watching the kids to dispose of him once he died because I didn't want the kids to see it. So she calls in the afternoon to tell me the fish seems fine. So I think maybe I didn't really see him on his side, maybe I just thought I did. Today I check on the fish and he is on the rocks on his side but not dead yet. I told my mom he was dead because we had gotten a chuckle out of the fact that he didn't actually die on Monday. I went to dispose of him hours later and he is again swimming around completely fine. In my experience if you see a fish even slighly sideways, it is only a matter of time. WTH?Anybody's fish ever do this?
Re: Goldfish playing dead??
My fish does this all the time, he likes to go to the bottom, corner and sit on the rocks and not move unless I tap the tank. I've had him for a year and he's always done this.
my other fish also does the jumping out thing like PP said, that one wild goldfish!