
Goldfish playing dead??

EMTEMT member
WTF? So Monday morning I see that the goldfish is laying on it's side (he wasn't dead yet because he perked up when I tapped the tank) so I told my mom who was watching the kids to dispose of him once he died because I didn't want the kids to see it. So she calls in the afternoon to tell me the fish seems fine. So I think maybe I didn't really see him on his side, maybe I just thought I did. Today I check on the fish and he is on the rocks on his side but not dead yet. I told my mom he was dead because we had gotten a chuckle out of the fact that he didn't actually die on Monday. I went to dispose of him hours later and he is again swimming around completely fine. In my experience if you see a fish even slighly sideways, it is only a matter of time. WTH?Anybody's fish ever do this?

Re: Goldfish playing dead??

  • I had a carnival goldfish who used to attempt suicide by jumping out of his bowl.  He'd be covered in lint and dog fur from the rug and as soon as he hit the toilet water, he'd start swimming again.  It happened on several occasions.  He also would rub up against you if you put your finger in the water.  He lived for like 4 years.  Not your average fish.  When he finally did die, we left him in the toilet for an hour just to make sure he really was gone.
    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

  • My mom had a gold  fish that did this, he was on his side or floating up side down all the time.  He lived for years!
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  • herohero member
    It probably has a swimbladder infection. You can find meds at Petco/Petsmart. Also, peas can help clear out the problem. Withhold it's food for a day and give it a crushed pea.
    <Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers>
  • My fish does this all the time, he likes to go to the bottom, corner and sit on the rocks and not move unless I tap the tank. I've had him for a year and he's always done this.

    my other fish also does the jumping out thing like PP said, that one wild goldfish!

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