
sahms- ever feel like you suck at staying home?

I have a 3 1/2 yr old and a 2 week old. DS#1 was in daycare while I worked until about a week before the baby came. Now we are all home and I feel like I am no good at this. My goal is to stay home until the 2011 school year. Normally in the summer I love being home with ds during the summer. We go to the beach, playdates, park, etc. Since I am recovering from a c/s we have been home more although we have ventured out for target, library, etc. I know ds is tired of being cooped up inside and having a hard time playing independently. which means I am getting nothing done, but don't know to entertain him either. I am teacher- I should be awesome at this :(


Re: sahms- ever feel like you suck at staying home?

  • I have a 3 1/2 yr old and a 3 wk old, it's hard to get anything done! I'm useless until about 10am. DS usually plays alone while I'm laying on the couch trying to wake up/stay awake. And now DS2 is eating every 2hrs or less so I'm REALLY drained of energy. I just keep encouraging DS1 to bring stuff to me to do with him- like reading, playdoh, blocks. I have a rocking chair by his train table, so he plays with that a lot while I'm feeding DS2. We don't get out of the house near as much as we did before DS2 came along, but I hope that changes very soon.
  • You need to give it time.  It is not easy the first month, especially when recovering from a c/s.  Once you figure out a routine and figure out the new baby, it will get easier and you will get better at it. 

    If you need ideas for your older child, do some google searches.  There are a lot of blogs and websites that can give you ideas.  Once you are feeling better, get out by taking walks and going to the playground.  At home my kids like to play in their sandbox. chaulk, "paint" with water outside.  These are easy things that your older child can do while you sit with the baby.

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  • You have a 2 week old baby!  Give yourself a break.  All of you are adjusting right now.  How much do you think you could be doing with an infant, toddler and humungous wound from surgery??  You do not suck...that's a lot of work!


  • Oh please.  You have a 2 week old.  You're not a SAHM, you're still on maternity leave!  

    The first two months (at least!!!) is all about survival mode.  Cut yourself a lot slack.

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  • coktcokt member
    I agree, you need to cut yourself some slack. With just DS right now, we do stuf all the time and get out of the house everyday. When baby #2 is here in the fall I am sure we will be at home much more and I will be in survival mode for a few months just getting used to having 2 kids before I even think about planning activities for DS #1 to do.?
  • It will get so much easier.  Give your self time to adjust.  Next summer will be a blast.  I have a 3.5 year old and a 14 month old.  I felt the same way last summer.  Now that my baby is older, we are having a blast.  Are there any camps, classes, play dates, etc you could sign your older one up for? 
  • imageali-1411:

    Oh please.  You have a 2 week old.  You're not a SAHM, you're still on maternity leave!  

    The first two months (at least!!!) is all about survival mode.  Cut yourself a lot slack.

    This! I am a WOHM and go back to work next week, but felt like this most of the summer and had to keep reminding myself that it's only temporary as I heal and adjust to having a preschooler and an infant.
    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
  • It will get better! It was a huge adjustment for me to have two kids and especially a newborn again.  I also had a c-section and while the recovery was better the second time around it was still a major surgery.  The beginning was all about survival.  DS#1 watched a lot of TV and played independently while I was nursing and trying to manage everything.  I made sure to spend some special one on one time with him when my DH was home or when the baby was sleeping.  Now we are doing much better but the first few months were brutal! Congrats and good luck! 
    ~Wife to Jim~ Mom to two awesome boys (9.11.06 and 12.10.09) and one beautiful baby girl (3.28.11)
  • imageBrewster:
    It will get so much easier.  Give your self time to adjust.  Next summer will be a blast.  I have a 3.5 year old and a 14 month old.  I felt the same way last summer.  Now that my baby is older, we are having a blast.  Are there any camps, classes, play dates, etc you could sign your older one up for? 
    this makes me want to cry cuz I have a 3.5 yr old and a 13 month old and I think this summer had been really hard.
  • adri77adri77 member

    It will get so much easier.  Give your self time to adjust.  Next summer will be a blast.  I have a 3.5 year old and a 14 month old.  I felt the same way last summer.  Now that my baby is older, we are having a blast.  Are there any camps, classes, play dates, etc you could sign your older one up for? 
    this makes me want to cry cuz I have a 3.5 yr old and a 13 month old and I think this summer had been really hard.

    Well, if it makes you feel any better, I have a 3.5 year old and 22 month old, and I think this summer has been haaard too!  DS2 is such a little person now, and wants to do what HE wants to do, DS1 is 3.5 (need I say more) so we have lots of conflicts.  Going to the pool alone with them is hard, at the drop of the dime one will just take off!!!  but it's also more fun and funny at this age, than it was last summer. 

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  • imageadri77:

    It will get so much easier.  Give your self time to adjust.  Next summer will be a blast.  I have a 3.5 year old and a 14 month old.  I felt the same way last summer.  Now that my baby is older, we are having a blast.  Are there any camps, classes, play dates, etc you could sign your older one up for? 
    this makes me want to cry cuz I have a 3.5 yr old and a 13 month old and I think this summer had been really hard.

    Well, if it makes you feel any better, I have a 3.5 year old and 22 month old, and I think this summer has been haaard too!  DS2 is such a little person now, and wants to do what HE wants to do, DS1 is 3.5 (need I say more) so we have lots of conflicts.  Going to the pool alone with them is hard, at the drop of the dime one will just take off!!!  but it's also more fun and funny at this age, than it was last summer. 

    I have a 3.5 y/o and a 20 month old and I thank God every day for allowing me to work OUT of the home.  I love my kids, but I couldn't stay home and I give all the SAHM's kudos.  I think this summer was fun, but hard because they're both so active. Maybe next summer will be better when the younger one follow directions!

    You should give yourself a chance to recover before getting down. 

    Christmas 2009 image
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