
Flying with my kids alone tomorrow!

I need some godd luck vibes.  First time flying with my kids, without dh.  Now I will say that I am also flying with my parents...but my mom adds stress, instead of taking it away.

My kids fly about once a year, so they are usually good with airport/airplane.  But with Jack I just never know.  Hoping he is having a good day and not a super Sensory, Hyper, challendging day.

And dh will be alone for 6 days at home. He owes me BIG.

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Re: Flying with my kids alone tomorrow!

  • Thinking of you tomorrow! My DD and your Jack seem to have a lot in common in terms of hyperactivity and sensory issues (I have read many of your posts and known exactly what you were dealing with!). We fly out tomorrow as well... and although we are seasoned flyers, I, like you, worry a lot about how she'll handle things! Tomorrow is the first time EVER that we're flying with her and she doesn't have a car seat (booster waiting at our destination). I am just hoping she's able to handle staying in her airplane seat and not wanting to be all over the place all the time.

    Anyway, have a safe trip!

    Mom to J (10), L (4), and baby #3 arriving in July of 2015
  • Just bring something to keep them interested, and you'll be fine.  The portable DVD player has been a life saver for us.  Good luck!  I flew with all three of mine by myself a few months ago when they were 4, 2, and 8 months.  My oldest has been super easy to fly with since about age 3, so I'm hoping the others get to that point eventually, too.  I hear you on being jealous of DH for the alone time.  I keep telling mine he needs to take the kids to his parents house for a week, but so far he's not buying it.
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