We are TTC and are looking for girl names. I want something that is girly, but not babyish. I also want something that is not overused. I really like the name Quinn for a girl. What are your thoughts or any other suggestions. TIA
I like Quinn a lot, although it doesn't strike me as particularly girly. Not sure what else you would like... Audrey, Juliet, Laurel, Scarlett, Victoria...
Re: Help me with girl names!
I really like the name Quinn for a girl. Other ideas:
Charlotte, Jane, Rebecca, Hazel, Isla (pronounced eye-la), Lydia, Alice,Lila, Hannah, Claire, Courtney, Rachel, Violet, and Daphne.
how about: charlotte, ava, lauren, nola, darcy, grace, sabrina, audrey, sidney, hannah or claire?
quinn is unisex, so not particularly girly. perhaps for a middle name?
Quinn is NMS.
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