Baby Names

What do you think of Daria?

A post on my month board reminded me of it.  I like it a lot, but DH said no because it's too close to diarrhea.  I know there's the MTV cartoon Daria, but I can't imagine that many people know of it, and our kids certainly won't. 
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Re: What do you think of Daria?

  • All I see is diarrhea. Sorry =/
  • NMS. Sorry.



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  • I don't think of diarrhea... just MTV :)  It's definitely unique to me and I like it.
  • I instantly thought of that cartoon on MTV when I read your post title.
  • imageErina1004:
    I instantly thought of that cartoon on MTV when I read your post title.

    This. But I actually really like the name.  

  • I don't have any terribly negative associations, but I don't really like the name. I can't even pinpoint what I dislike about it. It just gives me a vague feeling of repulsion . . . but I'm sure that's mostly because it is vastly different from my own personal taste in names.
  • Yes, the MTV cartoon character was on Beavis and Butthead first and they actually had a little song they teased her with that incorporated the word diarrhea in it so that's what I think now when I see the name.

    As long as there is the internet people will always have access to this type of information.

    ETA: Here's a link to the song:

  • Didn't think of diarrhea or MTV.  Don't watch MTV, so had no idea.  I wouldn't change let MTV influence your decision though.  GL!
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  • imageErina1004:
    I instantly thought of that cartoon on MTV when I read your post title.

    Me too. pics were so old. I got 3 kids. Nuff said. :)
  • I like it.  

    I know one Daria, she's in her 20s.

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  • I think it's a beautiful name, and I like that it's different!
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  • All I can think of is Beavis & Butthead singing, "Diarrhea, CHA CHA CHA! Diarrhea, CHA CHA CHA!!"

  • I think of the cartoon.  Other children wouldn't think of that - they'd call her diarrhea, though.  How sad.
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  • imagestrangebird:
    I don't have any terribly negative associations, but I don't really like the name. I can't even pinpoint what I dislike about it. It just gives me a vague feeling of repulsion . . . but I'm sure that's mostly because it is vastly different from my own personal taste in names.

     A vague feeling of repulsion... a good way to describe it. I really dislike Daria. 

  • I like it, however I never watch MTV.  I only think of the song by Cake, which is very pretty.
  • love it - I've met one Daria in my life and she was Polish.
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  • imageErina1004:
    I instantly thought of that cartoon on MTV when I read your post title.

    THIS! NMS, but if you love it, GO with it! : -D

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