Houston Babies

Recommend your jumperoo

I'm looking at jumperoos today and I really don't know what are the pros/cons of each one. Which one do you have? What do you like/hate about it?


Thank you so much!

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Re: Recommend your jumperoo

  • We have the Precious Planet jumperoo.  It's stand alone and has lots of toys for DS to play with.  He LOVES it!  The only con I can think of is that it takes up a lot of room, but most jumpers do unless you get a door one.
    After 2 years and 6 IUIs, we did it with IVF w/ ICSI!
    BFP with no treatment!
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  • We have the same one as Cajun and Allie loves it!
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  • We also have the precious planet and G LOVES it.  It's one of our best purchases.
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