we're getting sick of friends and family telling us how horrible it will be! Of course it will be difficult at times but I honestly think it was a bigger adustment to go from no kids to one than one to two. It can't be that awful if people go onto have more kids after two. DH comes from a family of 5 and is use to the chaos. I also hate when people like DH's brother tell us how awful it will be and of course he would say that because their 2 kids are disrecpectful, rude, horribly behaved and basically do whatever they want! Ok vent over.
Re: I know having 2 kids will be a challenge but
I agree, people shouldn't be telling you how horrible it will be, but lemme tell ya, 1-2 was waaaaayyyy harder an adjustment than 0-1. Way way way way harder.
I have found this to be the case so far.
Just do what you can to make things easier on yourselves now. Get your toddler into a good routine, make sure he/she naps well, make the transition to a toddler bed, ect. It is tough at times, but definitely doable. GL!
I'm not really active here, but my LOs are going to be 1 (as of next saturday) and 2 (as of yesterday) so 12 months and 5 days apart. It drove me batty when people told me I was "in for it" or thought I was crazy when I was pregnant with #2. I finally started saying, "oh, we'lll handle it. We have to!" That kept them quiet.
Now, having been through the first year, I can honestly say that having two is waaaaaaay easier than I ever thought it would be! Yes, there are some challenges, but I have a nephew the same age as my older one and I see my SIL and her husband just as stressed with their one as we are with two.
After bringing home #2 and adjusting while on maternity leave, I tried to quantify the difference between one and two babies, and I really think that (for me) having two was about 10% more work than having just 1. I did everything the same for my first, but now I was just holding a baby while I was doing it.
Yes, there are some challenges, but there's always challenges in parenting, whether your little ones are 9 months apart or 9 years apart.
When people talk to me about my kids they say, "you must be busy" and, maybe I'm delusional, but I don't think I'm THAT busy compared to just having one! SO, from someone with a tiny bit of experience, I just wanted to chime in and say that having 2 under 2 is far easier and more enjoyable than I ever thought it would be.
i know my DD Is young, but I think going from 0-1 was WAY harder, than 1-2. Maybe bc DD is easier and DS was a high maintenance newborn. BFing was hard for me for 2.5 months and I had some baby blues. My delivery and recovery was harder with DS too. This time it has been MUCH easier to have a newborn, its trying to deal with little sleep and a toddler that is hard. I even did the last 3 wks alone without DH and no family here, and it was fine.
OP-Dont let people freak you out. you'll do great.