TTC after 35

Fertile Foods

I'm trying a fertility smoothie recipe I found (green tea, pomegranate juice, orange juice and blueberries - will add pineapple to it during ovulation & 2WW). I'm not sure I totally believe in it, but I figure I need to boost my fruit/veggie intake anyway, so why not?

As I was putting it together, I wondered about how many variations there must be out there and what others have tried. What's your favorite fertile food and/or other things to do to increase fertility?

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Re: Fertile Foods

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    Hopefully you will get a good list.  I posted something similar about a year ago when I was still hoping for food to do the trick and got a long list of info.  Some that I can remember are: wheat grass, pineapple core, and those above.  I bought the Fertility Diet book when I was first seeing the RE.  He didn't think it would truly be a "fix" but said sure you can try it.  Oh yeah, and there is also a study about whole milk.  A glass a day of full fat milk or ice cream has shown to improve fertility.  Who can complain about a daily bowl of ice cream?  ;-) 



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    i used frozen wheatgrass shots and mixed with strawberry and banana and wasnt too bad!
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    steverstever member
    Full fat dairy products! I read a Newsweek article shortly before TTC DS that small amounts of full fat dairy help TTC. So I had a little bit of whole milk in my tea each morning and a scoop of ice cream at night when we were TTC DS.
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