After the u/s she said that the cysts have shrunk (shrank?) to half the size they were when they were causing me sooo much pain. That is great news! Since they were still there, she went ahead and put me on BCPs for a month; then we?ll go back in on CD3 (in Aug sometime). We have decided to go ahead and do our final IUI?and final treatment altogether. IVF was not in our plan - for several reasons - so this will be the end of the line for us in the TTC w/assistance department.
If I get the ?all clear? in August it will be our ?Hail Mary? IUI. There were many, many tears (from both of us) last night as we sat down and digested everything the RE went over with us. We both felt very strong about this decision and we needed to make sure that neither of us would have any regrets down the road from now?and we don?t - which (luckily) that hasn?t changed during this whole lengthy TTC process.
We sort of knew we were behind the 8-ball (so to speak) when it came to having kids anyway?our ?advanced? age, previous tubal pg and tube removal, etc. etc. Not to mention, our 3 yr TTC anniversary is in Sept?so, sadly, it?s time. We?ll be going back to basics?I?ll get my body back from all the extra hormones & meds I?ve been dumping into it?sex won?t feel like a chore (for lack of a better word)?no peeing on sticks?no more needles or pills, etc. etc. We will still TTC naturally?but there is no pressure either.
So, I just wanted to let you all know that I?ll be stepping back from bumping?lurking more (I may need some weaning time) but definitely cheering you all on!! And, I?m sure, participating in the PIP days! LOL! ::muah::
Re: My RE follow-up visit and good-bye (long)
Well good luck. It's a long rough road for many of us and you know when your time is up. If this IVF cycle doesn't work...I'm not sure how much more we will do. Hopefully, this next IUI will be the "hail mary" you've needed.
Best of luck. Good luck with the BCPs and the cyst shrinkage.
I'm sure that was all very hard to hear. These are heartbreakingly tough decisions. ((hugs)) and sending major bump power for the last IUI to solve everything!
We are coming up on our 3rd 'anniversary' of TTC too. It sucks. I think we will be doing 3 more rounds of injections before stopping (I don't know what I'll do if I m/c again). We also won't pursue IVF but would move on to adoption (although that seems very overwhelming to me). Stupid TTC shouldn't be so hard.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that your IUI does the trick.
I don't want to say I'll miss you because I don't want you to go *stomps foot* but I will miss you.
I'm sorry you have had such a tough time. Struggling TTC is so heartbreaking and draining. It sounds like you and your DH have a wonderfully strong and supportive marriage.
I wish you the best of luck. We are here for you whenever you need us.
Awe Rach don't go!!
Who will run the PIP's and bring back my youthful memories? I guess on this crazy TTC journey we all gotta do what we gotta do to stay sane.
It took me 3 and almost a half years before I got PG with DD. Prayers shouted out that the Hail Mary IUI is it for you.
I am sending you good and positive energy that this Hail Mary pass will be successful. It sounds like you and your husband are a wonderful support for one another, and I'm very happy that you have one another in this trying journey.
Even though I'm a newbie on here, I have really enjoyed all your posts. I hate to see you go, but completely understand.
I wish you all the best and keeping my fingers crossed for you in August!