Maryland Babies

Pediatricians in Perry Hall/Kingsville Area...

I am looking for a new pediatrician for my almost 6 month old...does anyone have suggestions?  I was hoping to find an office with more than one doctor and possibly weekend hours...any suggestions would be great!!! Thanks!

Re: Pediatricians in Perry Hall/Kingsville Area...

  • Dr Joseph Garcia on Belair rd 410-256-8787. He works alone but he does have weekend hours. We switched to him when #2 was born and we really like him. He is on Belair near Forge.
  • I live in that area, but we take DD to Pediatric Partners in Towson for some of the same reasons you are looking for.  There are like 7 peds there...we see Dr. Minton.  There is also an office in Bel Air.  They have fantastic hours, open late during the weekdays and open on Saturdays and some Sundays throughout the year.
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  • imageautumn bliss:
    I live in that area, but we take DD to Pediatric Partners in Towson for some of the same reasons you are looking for.  There are like 7 peds there...we see Dr. Minton.  There is also an office in Bel Air.  They have fantastic hours, open late during the weekdays and open on Saturdays and some Sundays throughout the year.

    This we also see Dr. Minton

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