I went upstairs, took the test, got a positive, took a shower and came downstairs. He was sitting on the couch and I said, "are you ready?" He said, for what? And I said, "to be a dad". Side note, I was freaking out while I took the shower.
It was 5:00 am. I woke up and had to pee, and since you are supposed to use your FMU I tested. I ran back in and jumped on the bed waving the test in his face. He was groggy, disoriented, but happy. lol.
ETA: I put the cap on it before I waved it in his face. That sounded kind of gross.
I called him speechless in the morning one day before work. I TOTALLY did not expect to be pregnant and honestly hadn't even suspected it until about 5 minutes before I tested and then realized I had an old HPT in a drawer. Found it, tested and was like OMG, OMG OMG for 10 minutes to the cat and then realized I should probably call DH right away. We were both pretty much speechless for about 2 days.
After I got the BFP, I took a onesie I'd picked up on clearance from BabyGap (said "hello, world!" on it), went into his home office where he was working, and handed it to him saying, "you might need this..."
He shook it out and just stared at it for a bit... then demanded to see the test, but didn't believe that the test line was dark enough, so we had to go buy "the kind that just says it" (his words! - aka a digital) for him to believe it was really happening.
On a side note, the poor guy was ridiculously sick w/the swine flu AND we'd been up since 2 am that morning because his grandmother had passed away early that morning... so his disbelief was a little understandable, given the circumstances and the fact that we thought there was no chance that cycle since I'd just gotten over having the flu myself during the 2ww.
I took a test on a Monday afternoon because I had a bachelorette party/weekend planned for the upcoming weekend and we were going to a bunch a vineyards in VA. So I wanted to make sure I wasn't PG before consuming large amounts of wine, since we had pulled the goalie a few months before. I totally didn't expect to see a plus sign, so I took another one. I had been in an awful mood all that day and had been e-mailing DH about how pissy I'd been, so when he got home I came downstairs and said "so I think I know why I've been so moody all day" and he looked at me expentantly and I showed him the test. He just stared at it for a few seconds and said "I'm not quite sure, but I think you're trying to tell me your PG."
I didn't get a chance, because he told me! DH kept telling me he knew I was pregnant. I took a test to shut him up because I was sure I wasn't. He hasn't let me live it down yet, and probably never will! LOL
He was outside mowing our yard after working all day. I took a test and after much disbelief, I ran outside and showed him and if you know me...i don't like getting dirty and I was hugging and kissing him after being outside all day...yuck! He was asking me if I was sure, he just was in shock that it was finally happening.
I took the test in the downstairs bathroom while DH was upstairs showering and getting dressed for dinner. I left the test downstairs and raced upstairs with the camera and as he was pulling his shirt on, I said hey honey, I'm pregnant! and then snapped his picture with his reaction...it was great!
On Fri DH went away for the weekend fishing. Sat morning I woke up naseous and tested. Could not believe when I got the BFP (the first time I ever tested when DH wasn't there). I was not going to tell anyone until I told DH and I wasn't going to tell him on the phone, so I had to keep it to myself. I worked Sat, had a surprise party for my cousin with my sister, mom and 2 cousins (who are my BFFs), worked all day Sun, got home from work and DH was home but we went to dinner at the ILs, came home and put SD to bed. FINALLY I could tell him.
I gave him an invitation:
What: Our Baby's Birth
When: around Jan 1
Where: GBMC
RSVP: immediately
When I handed it to him he assumed it was a card cause I missed him. When he opened it it took him awhile to figure it out, then he didn't believe me. He said "Really?" and I said "Nope, just kidding" :0)
DH used to be there every cycle for the test, I'd dip it, turn it upside down, and we'd turn it over together. After a while, though, I just tested on my own each cycle, and I slept in this particular Tuesday, so DH was already at work when I tested. It was BFN the day before (10 DPO), but then it was the faaaiiiinnnnntest line I've ever seen. I told DH it was "inconclusive, but looked positive" on the phone at his office. He refused to get excited (very much like him) until he saw it himself. I went to work that night and came home, DH was analyzing the test. Deeming it much to faint he insisted that I go take another right then. I had just drank a gallon of water (I'm a dance teacher, and was seriously hydrating that night during my 5 hours of class), and just knew it wouldn't show, but it did, and was much darker than the AM test. We took another one each AM for the next 4 days, up til our beta.
Now I wish I had done something cute, like one of my TTC buddies put the positive test next to this statuette at DH's place at the table on the day she got her BFP, I thought it was adorable!https://www.babyheirlooms.com/images/site_images/new_dad.jpg
DH used to be there every cycle for the test, I'd dip it, turn it upside down, and we'd turn it over together. After a while, though, I just tested on my own each cycle, and I slept in this particular Tuesday, so DH was already at work when I tested. It was BFN the day before (10 DPO), but then it was the faaaiiiinnnnntest line I've ever seen. I told DH it was "inconclusive, but looked positive" on the phone at his office. He refused to get excited (very much like him) until he saw it himself. I went to work that night and came home, DH was analyzing the test. Deeming it much to faint he insisted that I go take another right then. I had just drank a gallon of water (I'm a dance teacher, and was seriously hydrating that night during my 5 hours of class), and just knew it wouldn't show, but it did, and was much darker than the AM test. We took another one each AM for the next 4 days, up til our beta.
Now I wish I had done something cute, like one of my TTC buddies put the positive test next to this statuette at DH's place at the table on the day she got her BFP, I thought it was adorable! https://www.babyheirlooms.com/images/site_images/new_dad.jpg
Wrapped it up as an anniversary present! So hard to keep it to myself for a few days, but so worth it.
Happy Birthday, little man. We love you so much!
My favorite money saving tip: I've earned more than $300 in gift cards (Amazon, Starbucks, Southwest!) using SwagBucks for internet searching - and you can too!
It's FREE and EASY!
I was on seasonale, but my cycle was really funny as in, I would either spot just a little (only needing a panty liner) or I wouldn't bleed at all. My doc wasn't concerned, so I decided to ditch the pills. One of my friends told me I should test, but I'd only had 2 cycles since ditching the pills, so I just KNEW I wasn't pregnant.
We went to Walmart that night and picked up a test. I didn't really have to use the bathroom, so I waited until the morning. I took the test and started doing my daily routines. Something told me to look at the test [PREGNANT]...I was like WTF?????? I called him in the bathroom and he said 'what did I do now?'. I said, 'come in here all the way and look at this thing'. He started dancing and crap...I was sad because I didn't think it would happen so fast.
I just knew that test wasn't accurate, so I told him I would take another test later that afternoon. I even read the pamplet and realized the FMU was the best...OMG...I'm really pregnant!!!!! '
It only took a few days for me to get excited about it. A year and 4 months later...I'm soooooooooo in love with this little guy.
My Birthday was on Sunday and I was going to wait and test then, but I spotted on Wednesday, so I tested early Thursday morning, because I couldn't wait any longer.
Forgetting that my husband is blind without his glasses (I do this a lot and it always results in odd things happening) and not very responsive when he is asleep, I climbed back into bed and said "Look".
He pretended to look, but had no idea what I was showing him so said "That's nice", dismissively and rolled back over and went back to sleep.
I then woke him up in earnest and told him he was going to be a Daddy, it was fairly lack luster.
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He was at work, and it took all my willpower not to call and tell him over the phone. I had bought a "My First Phillies Tee" shirt and bib when we started TTC, so I put that in a gift bag, and put the pee stick in the bottom (since I know DH is dense). He pulled out the shirt and just said "Oh, this is cute." Good thing that pee stick was in the bottom.
With #2, Aiden had a "I'm going to be a big brother" shirt that I put him in when DH got home from work.
Laura & Jim ~ July 10, 2004
miscarriage on 11/26/09 at 5w6d
Re: How did you tell DH you were expecting?
It was 5:00 am. I woke up and had to pee, and since you are supposed to use your FMU I tested. I ran back in and jumped on the bed waving the test in his face. He was groggy, disoriented, but happy. lol.
ETA: I put the cap on it before I waved it in his face. That sounded kind of gross.
1st time - I called
2nd time, I just told him (he was home)
3rd time, I left the test in the bathroom for him to see and he was like, um so what does the + mean?
After I got the BFP, I took a onesie I'd picked up on clearance from BabyGap (said "hello, world!" on it), went into his home office where he was working, and handed it to him saying, "you might need this..."
He shook it out and just stared at it for a bit... then demanded to see the test, but didn't believe that the test line was dark enough, so we had to go buy "the kind that just says it" (his words! - aka a digital) for him to believe it was really happening.
On a side note, the poor guy was ridiculously sick w/the swine flu AND we'd been up since 2 am that morning because his grandmother had passed away early that morning... so his disbelief was a little understandable, given the circumstances and the fact that we thought there was no chance that cycle since I'd just gotten over having the flu myself during the 2ww.
... every single day of forever.
On Fri DH went away for the weekend fishing. Sat morning I woke up naseous and tested. Could not believe when I got the BFP (the first time I ever tested when DH wasn't there). I was not going to tell anyone until I told DH and I wasn't going to tell him on the phone, so I had to keep it to myself. I worked Sat, had a surprise party for my cousin with my sister, mom and 2 cousins (who are my BFFs), worked all day Sun, got home from work and DH was home but we went to dinner at the ILs, came home and put SD to bed. FINALLY I could tell him.
I gave him an invitation:
What: Our Baby's Birth
When: around Jan 1
Where: GBMC
RSVP: immediately
When I handed it to him he assumed it was a card cause I missed him. When he opened it it took him awhile to figure it out, then he didn't believe me. He said "Really?" and I said "Nope, just kidding" :0)
DH used to be there every cycle for the test, I'd dip it, turn it upside down, and we'd turn it over together. After a while, though, I just tested on my own each cycle, and I slept in this particular Tuesday, so DH was already at work when I tested. It was BFN the day before (10 DPO), but then it was the faaaiiiinnnnntest line I've ever seen. I told DH it was "inconclusive, but looked positive" on the phone at his office. He refused to get excited (very much like him) until he saw it himself. I went to work that night and came home, DH was analyzing the test. Deeming it much to faint he insisted that I go take another right then. I had just drank a gallon of water (I'm a dance teacher, and was seriously hydrating that night during my 5 hours of class), and just knew it wouldn't show, but it did, and was much darker than the AM test. We took another one each AM for the next 4 days, up til our beta.
Now I wish I had done something cute, like one of my TTC buddies put the positive test next to this statuette at DH's place at the table on the day she got her BFP, I thought it was adorable!https://www.babyheirlooms.com/images/site_images/new_dad.jpg
DH used to be there every cycle for the test, I'd dip it, turn it upside down, and we'd turn it over together. After a while, though, I just tested on my own each cycle, and I slept in this particular Tuesday, so DH was already at work when I tested. It was BFN the day before (10 DPO), but then it was the faaaiiiinnnnntest line I've ever seen. I told DH it was "inconclusive, but looked positive" on the phone at his office. He refused to get excited (very much like him) until he saw it himself. I went to work that night and came home, DH was analyzing the test. Deeming it much to faint he insisted that I go take another right then. I had just drank a gallon of water (I'm a dance teacher, and was seriously hydrating that night during my 5 hours of class), and just knew it wouldn't show, but it did, and was much darker than the AM test. We took another one each AM for the next 4 days, up til our beta.
Now I wish I had done something cute, like one of my TTC buddies put the positive test next to this statuette at DH's place at the table on the day she got her BFP, I thought it was adorable! https://www.babyheirlooms.com/images/site_images/new_dad.jpg
Wrapped it up as an anniversary present!
So hard to keep it to myself for a few days, but so worth it.
Happy Birthday, little man. We love you so much!
My favorite money saving tip: I've earned more than $300 in gift cards (Amazon, Starbucks, Southwest!) using SwagBucks for internet searching - and you can too! It's FREE and EASY!
I was on seasonale, but my cycle was really funny as in, I would either spot just a little (only needing a panty liner) or I wouldn't bleed at all. My doc wasn't concerned, so I decided to ditch the pills. One of my friends told me I should test, but I'd only had 2 cycles since ditching the pills, so I just KNEW I wasn't pregnant.
We went to Walmart that night and picked up a test. I didn't really have to use the bathroom, so I waited until the morning. I took the test and started doing my daily routines. Something told me to look at the test [PREGNANT]...I was like WTF?????? I called him in the bathroom and he said 'what did I do now?'. I said, 'come in here all the way and look at this thing'. He started dancing and crap...I was sad because I didn't think it would happen so fast.
I just knew that test wasn't accurate, so I told him I would take another test later that afternoon. I even read the pamplet and realized the FMU was the best...OMG...I'm really pregnant!!!!! '
It only took a few days for me to get excited about it. A year and 4 months later...I'm soooooooooo in love with this little guy.
My Birthday was on Sunday and I was going to wait and test then, but I spotted on Wednesday, so I tested early Thursday morning, because I couldn't wait any longer.
Forgetting that my husband is blind without his glasses (I do this a lot and it always results in odd things happening) and not very responsive when he is asleep, I climbed back into bed and said "Look".
He pretended to look, but had no idea what I was showing him so said "That's nice", dismissively and rolled back over and went back to sleep.
I then woke him up in earnest and told him he was going to be a Daddy, it was fairly lack luster.
He was at work, and it took all my willpower not to call and tell him over the phone. I had bought a "My First Phillies Tee" shirt and bib when we started TTC, so I put that in a gift bag, and put the pee stick in the bottom (since I know DH is dense). He pulled out the shirt and just said "Oh, this is cute." Good thing that pee stick was in the bottom.
With #2, Aiden had a "I'm going to be a big brother" shirt that I put him in when DH got home from work.
miscarriage on 11/26/09 at 5w6d