Baby Names

MacKynzlieyanna? Need girl name help...

Okay, sorry to mislead you, but the board is soo slow tonight that I didn't think you would mind. Big Smile

Most of us on this board hate made-up names. This is a good thing. When people come on here with one, we gently tell them where they went wrong and send them on their merry way.

Here's the problem with that: we never get a chance to make up any names of our own, for fun.

SO... the real purpose of this thread is for us to post horrid, made-up names that can either follow a popular trend (or two), or can be a combination of your mother's, grandmothers, aunt's, and sister's names, or can be a cooking utensil mixed with a song title for all I care. Tongue Tied

Let's see how bad we can get. What's the worst name you can make up?

Re: MacKynzlieyanna? Need girl name help...

  •'s LOVE spelled backwards or a form of EVIL!  It has dual purpose!

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  • raeynraeyn member

    Wait... you mean to say you're NOT naming your child MacKynzlieyanna? Stick out tongue

    Since I can't decide between Jillian, Clara, Mae, Anne, and Sophie, perhaps I should go with Sophillianara Mayanne. It has quite a nice ring to it, don't you think?


    Edited to add: Wait, there definitely aren't enough 'Y's in there, and it's a little to close to the names I'm trying to honor... how about Sophyllyanara Mayenne.

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  • I love this post! I don't know if I can top Evol - that one is pretty awesome. I tried to incorporate the 7 Deadly Trends...the apostophie makes it awesome.

    Ky'bridynella McKynzie

    And just because it makes me laugh....

    Spatula Jones


    Married! | July 15, 2005 | It's a Girl! | January 31, 2009 | It's a Girl! | July 21, 2011
    Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
    Unofficial Baby Names Sticky Note: New and Old| Local Bumpie Website image
  • Lyndsey-Nohands-On-Alcyhol-Isn-Jael
  • raeynraeyn member

    I love this post! I don't know if I can top Evol - that one is pretty awesome. I tried to incorporate the 7 Deadly Trends...the apostophie makes it awesome.

    Ky'bridynella McKynzie

    And just because it makes me laugh....

    Spatula Jones

    Spatula is one of those great names that would really work well for a boy or a girl. And he/she'd never have to tell anyone how to spell it! 

  • I always imagined that if I was a famous actress I would name my daughter Taffeta Confectionary Heliotrope Symphony. I never came up for a name if I had a son, though.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageraeyn:

    And just because it makes me laugh....

    Spatula Jones

    Spatula is one of those great names that would really work well for a boy or a girl. And he/she'd never have to tell anyone how to spell it! 

    Oooh, unisex...good call!

    I'll also add Orchid "cause it sounds like our kid...get it?"

    Married! | July 15, 2005 | It's a Girl! | January 31, 2009 | It's a Girl! | July 21, 2011
    Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
    Unofficial Baby Names Sticky Note: New and Old| Local Bumpie Website image
  • how about Dagmar Fanny???
    DX - Endometriosis 2007, PCOS 2010 TTC since July 13, 2010 50mg unmonitored clomid oct 2010 = BFN 50mg unmonitored clomid dec 2010 = BFN Lap to remove endo and HSG march 2011 = tubes clear and very little had returned. 50mg MONITORED Clomid Sept 2011 (10 tablets) + trigger shot = 3 mature follies but BFN 50mg Monitored Clomid Oct 2011 (5 tablets this time) = BFN turned BFP 9th november 2011! BabyFruit Ticker
  • LOL! Great ideas everyone! Thanks for the laughs today. And you were right BraveAngel, the apostrophe DOES make it awesome!!!
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