TTC after 35


Thinking about you! Dee
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Re: Cbeney

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    :) thanks Dee!

    Im now officially 2dp5dt :) i hate the waiting! Unfortunately we had none to freeze, so I was bummed, but trying to stay positive!

    Listening to my relaxation cd and wearing my fertility bracelet helps!! :)

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    Good luck! I'm rooting for you!
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    Just keep thinking positive thoughts. And relax. And eat those colored foods!! lol!  And no peeing on a stick until the morning of your blood test. It will totally mess us your positive thinking if you do it early and don't get the results you want. My Dr said you can get a negative EPT and still be pregnant because he checks so early at 12 dpo. I am saying lots of prayers and sending you all my lucky bump dust!
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    Thanks guys!! LOL yes I have had sweet potatos everyday since transfer! :) And bananas too!

    beta is july 29, which seems so early to me! thats 11p5dt?but it seems fast!

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