TTC after 35

Not TTC35+R, ? about my cat...

OK, this is weird....

Our cat is 19 years old.  He is a really sweet thing... no dementia that we can tell.  But here is the oddness...  He began to pee and poop on the floor just outside of the litter box a few months ago (instead of inside of it).  We did not change litter brands (prior to the change in behaviors) and we increased changing the litter in order to help prevent this. But no luck.  So I have since bought the puppy wee-wee pads and place it under the litter box.  This at least catches the urine.  He has since stopped pooping outside the box, but the peeing has not changed.  His litter is practically dry.  But the pee pads are soaked and are changed daily......

Any recommendations or thoughts???? 

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Re: Not TTC35+R, ? about my cat...

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    Do you have a hooded cat box?  Maybe your cat has decided he does not like to be confined.  I have a fatty catty that detests the hood, but I also have a dog who loves to "clean" the cat box for us, so we are hosed.  Also, my vet told me that you have to buy a new litter box about once a year.  The urine smell leaches into the plastic on the box after awhile, and some cats are super sensitive to it.  Cleaning will not get it out of the plastic.  I would buy a new box, and try to leave the hood off and see if it helps.  I love that you have had your kitty for 19 years!
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    Thanks hav2run!  The kitty is my husband's.  I swear he (the cat) has vowed to outlast this relationship.  (The kitty has outlasted several girlfriends and an ex-wife!)  I keep telling him he does not stand a chance... I will be the victor!  :)  But he can hang with us until "the time"!

    We also have a chocolate lab (mine!) that loves the kitty cookies as well, so we have been keeping the lid on the litter box!  I think I am going to make a psuedo blockade that will allow the kitty to get to the box, but keep the dog out.  We are going to buy a new litter box this week and keep the lid off.  I will keep you posted!

    Seems like we have been chatting a lot today.  BTW, I have been stalking/loving your blog.  Brenna is beautiful and so full of expressions.  Happy (early) 2nd Birthday to her. 

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    As my cat ages (she is now about 17), she adopts new odd habits, though, fortunately, not this one yet.

     For an idea on how to enclose your cat box while keeping the dog out, you may wish to look into hiding it in a small piece of furniture. I do this for mine out of necessity, since I live in an apartment without a good spot for the box.

     I cut an opening in a "Hol" bench from Ikea (I already had the bench and then I got the idea from this person:

    A quick google search will uncover a lot of ikea hacks that repurpose furniture to shield kitty activities...

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    Awesome idea.  I am going to figure out something this week.  Getting tired of the smell and the "stopped up" puppy after he eats his kitty cookies!  UGH!  I  keep thinking this is the prep for motherhood!  :)
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  • Options cat just decided to lay in the freshly clean litter box....this is something he does every few explaination!!!! well other than early onset dementia (he is only 2).LOL

    Anyways sometimes if there are changes in the home it causes litter box issues.....have you gone on vacation or been away more than normal? My one cat used to put a poop log in crazy spots just to let us know he was mad.(like on a box of stuff we were bringing into the house...he did it in about down.....2 min later there is poop on it). The cat may have some bladder issues.

    TTC since 2009 very frustrated 42yr and DH 40

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    OscarQOscarQ member

    This could be a sign of a serious health issue and the cat should be seen by a vet.

    Once health issues are ruled out try the other suggestions.  I've had lots of experience with this so page me if you need ideas.

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    Ive got a 17 year old fatty at home who did the same thing, after I changed the box, he is better! We ended up going and getting a large low-sided storage bin, becuase he had a hard time climbing into the traditional litter box. It seems to have worked! GL!?
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