So we bought the wagon today and I love it!
The boys had their 2 month appt and the a/c at the clinic was broken- miserable! When we got their all these kids came running up and were just LOOKING at the babies and then whamo the oldest of them all (like11) poked his finger in Harrison sleeping eye!!!! DH and I both were like "UH you don't touch our babies" His mom was soooooo annoyed with us- most likely because she had to get off her arse and coral her 6 ill behaved kids!
The boys have now been going between screaming and sleeping. They both got fevers but I have given them tylenol and the fevers are going down now...
Re: Kid touched my baby!
People are unreal! (I'm talking about the woman who sat on her tookus, while her kid came over to your LOs.) I would have been so annoyed if a kid did that!
I hope they both feel better soon.
ok, an 11 year old should totally know better, but my daughter does this sometimes. she LOVES babies and sometimes can't help herself. so far i've been able to stop her most of the time but she did pet one like a puppy before i could get to her. i do tell her not to touch babies, and if someone says it's OK she can touch their feet or legs, but that's the best i could do at the time (this was when she was almost 3.)