TTC after 35

Anyone used Femara instead of Clomid?

Hi there - I'm a newbie to the bump.  My DH and I have been TTC for 7 months now with no luck.  I'll be 37 in 2 weeks with a history of PCOS and my doctor wants to try me on Femara instead of Clomid for the next 3-6 months.  Can anyone offer experience with this med?  Successful?  Side effects?  I realize everyone is different, but would appreciate some feedback.  Thanks!
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Re: Anyone used Femara instead of Clomid?

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    I took Femara and had a BFP the first month that I took it (ending in a m/c). The doctor kept me on it and then also added injectibles, and that got me this BFP. I liked the Femara better than Clomid because I didn't have any side effects at all. I hope that you have a good experience on it and that it can help bring you your BFP! Good luck!
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    jcathjcath member

    This is my second month using it - I never took Clomid so can't compare but I don't have much in the way of side effects. I do take it at night on the rec of my RE and I sleep well on it though have alot of dreams (but that's not entirely unusual for me). Its supposed to be better for women over 35.

    If your insurance isn't paying for it - its very expensive.  There's a coupon at 

    GL - I hope it works for you

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    Thanks very much for the input.  I appreciate it.  Also appreciate the coupon!!! 

    Continued good luck to both of you as well!

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    I normally don't post here too often, but lurk alot.  In a week I will be starting my 4th cycle on Femara.  It has been great as far as little to no s/e, but no BFP.  GL to you!

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