TTC after 35

BCP Side Effect Question

Does taking BCP give you fatique? 

I know it's suppose to 'trick' your body into thinking it's pregnant so feeling tired while taking it should not be a surprise to me but I don't remember this feeling from before.  Has this happened to you?

Re: BCP Side Effect Question

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    Hey Chicken-

    I just took my 14 days of BCP to ready me for my first IVF and I am totally remembering why I hated being on the pill.  I am a "meanie" to my DH and my poor sweet faced baby who I had no patience with; I had the munchies all the time; and I too was wanting a nap all the time.

    You are not alone my friend!! 

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    IF History in my Bio!

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    HA!  I stopped taking BCP before my husband and I got married because it makes me very irritable and lose my sense of humor. So when I have to take it before these injections I always warn my husband about it.

    He came home Friday (about 5 days after I started taking it) to find me in a particularly bad mood and said 'oh boy' least he realizes it's not 'me'. 



    I feel better knowing that you are out there. Everyone I tell about these side effects always say 'BCP never affected me in any way'. Super Angry

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