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does this count as fitness?

Had a Girl's Night Out on Saturday...and we went to a pole dancing class.  yes, you read that right...pole dancing!  And, I have to say, it was A LOT of fun...but also A LOT of work.  So, that means that I spent most of Sunday being a little sore -- in places that aren't normally sore after working out!

The instructor had us moving in ways you wouldn't dream of moving...all in the name of 'fitness'.  I will say that spinning around the pole without falling on your a$$ or hitting your needs on the floor is whole lot harder than it looks!   LOL!

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Re: does this count as fitness?

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    Was it fun?

     It makes me think of the "KIng of Queens" episode when Doug was better at pole dancing than Carrie.

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    Ohh that sounds fun!   Was there alcohol involved before, after, or during the pole dancing?   I don't think I could do that without alcohol...of course, I can't get up and dance without alcohol. Embarrassed
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    Was it fun?

     It makes me think of the "KIng of Queens" episode when Doug was better at pole dancing than Carrie.

    LMAO...yes roadie..there were a couple of us gals who totally referrenced that!  It was truly a good time!  I highly recommend it.

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    Ohh that sounds fun!   Was there alcohol involved before, after, or during the pole dancing?   I don't think I could do that without alcohol...of course, I can't get up and dance without alcohol. Embarrassed

    yes, there was alcohol before...but not everyone drank (including me because I was driving AND I was worried about falling if I was too drunk!)  Oh, and then a bunch went out afterwards.  I think they probably cater more towards bachelorette parties and things..but I would totally do it again!

    And, I'm right there with ya...about needing a drink before getting up to dance!  I can't I need all the help I can get!  LOL!

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    Of course it is fitness!!  Especially if you are sore the next day.  And you are working out your upper body by doing 12 oz bicep curls (drink to lips!)!!! ;)   

    There is a bar by my house that has ZUMBA classes every Monday night.  I guess revenue is revenue how ever you can get it these days!

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    Of course it is fitness!!  Especially if you are sore the next day.  And you are working out your upper body by doing 12 oz bicep curls (drink to lips!)!!! ;)   

    There is a bar by my house that has ZUMBA classes every Monday night.  I guess revenue is revenue how ever you can get it these days!

    Then it's it is!!  I've heard of Zumba, but have never been...have you, since it's close to you?


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    OscarQOscarQ member
    Totally fitness!  There was at least one gym in NYC that offered strip pole workouts while I lived there.  Haven't found that yet in my new city.
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     Rach I would say sore muscles = fitness!!!  Sounds like you have fun!!  I need a girls night out. . .

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