TTC after 35

`*`*`Weekly Check In~~~~7/18/10`*`*`

This is the check in post for TTC After 35.
Everyone is welcome to join!  Page Hav2run with your
info or add it to the weekly post and I will be happy to
add you.  A question of the week will be posted and
everyone is welcome to post their updates here too.

****I restarted this list on 7/4/10 so it would be more current***
If your info is missing, please let me know so I can add you back on. 

Currently TTC

Nest Name_______Age____Location________TTC since

MAH123--36, TN, TTC #2 since 7/07
Chicken--38, MI, TTC 31 since 9/07
rach2100--38, NC, TTC #1 since 9/07
sel*stella--39, CO, TTC #1 since 9/07
Tripplebe--40, PA, TTC #1 since 9/07
OscarQ--36, DE, TTC #1 since 8/08
oneandonlyyou--36, TTC #1 since 9/08
Shyntrue--42, OH, TTC #1 since 10/08
Nikilouhou--8, AZ, TTC #1 since 10/08
jilliansmoma--36, CA, TTC #2 since 11/08
bcn68--41, CA, TTC #2 since 11/08
Baze2--40, OH, TTC #1 since 12/08
jcath--39, TTC #3 since 1/09
hav2run--40, OH, TTC #3 since 2/09
Cbeney--38, IL, TTC #1 since 3/09
kbrodie06-- 40, CA, TTC #2 since 4/09
MrsPLW71--39, NJ, TTC #1 since 7/09
Jandjay--41, TX, TTC #4 since 8/09
Dlphndoc--34, VA, TTC #1 since 8/09
Karenannmark--38,Ireland, TTC #1 since 10/09
Shouldbeworkin--35, TTC #3 since 11/09
Curlyhairedboys--37, MA, TTC #3 since 12/09
hbarbour--38, OR, TTC #1 since 12/09
luvbabes--35, KS, TTC #1 since 12/09
Haribo--36, TTC #1 since 2/10
10-4LilBuddy--37, TX, TTC #1 since 2/10
alfontaine--36, CA, TTC #1 since 3/10
kikijbird--39, NJ, TTC #1 since 4/10
blittle96--36, NJ, TTC #1 since 5/10
tlc7068--40, MI, TTC #2 since 5/10
CityPixie--41, USA, TTC #1 since 5/10
amandaleigh1--36, WA, TTC #1 since 5/10
tracybarberkja--TX, TTC #4 since 8/10

TTC over 35 Mommies to be:  Success Stories!
***Please let me know when I can add you to this list!
I won't add you until you ask me to***

Nest Name    AGE    EDD        TTC Since

Lebraly-36, MD,        TTC since 9/08  BFP 4/09
livvielo-36, NJ,       TTC since 1/08  BFP 4/09
Married2MrWright-34,OK, TTC since 3/09  BFP 5/09 EDD 1/31/10
Sassystace-34, OH,     TTC since 4/09  BFP 5/09
Indianasunshine-39, TX, TTC since 11/07 BFP 5/09 EDD 1/23/10
NHnative-37, MA,        TTC since 6/08, BFP 4/09 EDD 1/28/10
kat28655-34, NC,     TTC since 1/09, BFP 8/09 EDD 3/14/10
AnotherChance-36, FL,     TTC since 4/09, BFP 7/09 EDD 3/31/10
leslieb923-39, CT,     TTC since 10/07 BFP 8/09 EDD 4/28/10
nikkiw421-36, MI,     TTC since 5/09    BFP 9/09 EDD 4/28/10
itsmexine-38, CO,     TTC since 12/08 BFP 8/09 EDD 5/9/10
NowDNAtoo-38, VA,     TTC since 3/09, BFP 8/09 EDD 5/10/10
onemorelittleone-37,NJ,    TTC since 1/08    BFP 9/09 EDD 5/23/10
rsrn02-36, CA,         TTC since 3/08, BFP 9/09, EDD 6/4/10
Mimi525-40, NY,     TTC since 9/06, BFP 10-8-09 EDD 6-27-09
Irishsapphire-37, WA,     TTC since 6/09, BFP 11/09, EDD 7/29/10
JillAly-41, NYC,     TTC since 7/09, BFP 12/09, EDD 8/12/10
princess_shelly-35, CA, TTC since 5/09, BFP 12/09, EDD 8/19/10
sadie sadie-41, CO     TTC since 05/09, BFP 12/19/10, EDD 08/29/10
CathyMD-38, Canada     TTC since 1/09, BFP,     EDD 10/06/10
DeanneShehane-40, LA    TTC since 2/08, BFP 5/10, EDD 1/25/11
lizette062-37, FL     TTC since 6/09, BFP 5/4/10, EDD 1/8/11

QOTW: Please check the list and make sure that your info is correct.

How has your summer been?  Tell us about your summer vacations or anything fun you have going on.

Don't forget to add your updates.  Where are you in your cycle? Any new news, testing, or treatments?  Wishing everyone
luck and a BFP very soon!

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Re: `*`*`Weekly Check In~~~~7/18/10`*`*`

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    ALF222ALF222 member
    My summer has been ok. I'm in my last class finishing my master's so I don't get much time off for fun. We did just book a trip to Ireland in September to celebrate my graduation (I'm not stalking you karenanmark, I promise!). I'm traveling much of this cycle so I'm not holding my breath for a BFP this cycle. Good luck to all!!!
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    Summer: We were lucky enough to take four generations to schlitterbahn. It was great. Three days of devilishly hot sun, ice cream, tons of food and a great tan. We even got to hit the beach before the tar balls got here. Hubby and I even snuck off late to stroll on the beach by moonlight.  Update: This is my second month on clomid. I've been lucky so far with side effects being minimal.  I got a positive opk earlier today so sexapolooza is in full effect. Don't you hate that we have to time all this? Why can't they make a pill for all this? they have one for everything else. Pop the pill, have sex ... Poof bfp!  Ok I guess I do have a clomid side effect after all ... I'm becoming delusional. LOL! Good luck to everyone this cycle. We deserve a wave of BFPs.  
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      I got a positive opk earlier today so sexapolooza is in full effect.  

    LOVE IT!!  LOL!

     Hi.  We're plodding along the summer.  It seems to be moving kinda fast for me, which is fine b/c it's been super hot and I'm not liking the heat!!  Next month is filled with road races, bbq's and reunions.  I'm looking forward to seeing old friends.

    I'm on CD11...gearing up to O probably the end of this week.  Then I'll have my own version of sexapolooza going on in my bedroom!

    ETA:  Good luck everyone this month!  I'm in total agreement that we need some BFP's to celebrate!

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    Shot up PIO this past Thursday to induce AF, hopefully I'll start by this weekend.

    My SIL lives in Tampa, so we are flying in to tampa, then going to stay at Disney for 3 nights and then going back to Tampa to finish out the week. DD is so excited, it makes the ridiculously priced tickets worth it and we get beach time. Best part, my MIL & FIL called yesterday to say the were going on a cruise and would be unable to join us :), it just keeps getting better and better. 

    1 ectopic 3 m/c's prior to 5/05 Un-freaking-explained IF 5/05 IVF, BFN 9/05 FET 3d5e, BFP = Beautiful Baby Girl (lucky pg #5) 8/08 Fet 3d5e, cp 12/08 IVF with PGD, transfer 3, BFN 5/09 FET transfer 4, BFN Hail Mary IUI with Follistim 9/11 BFP; 9/22 confirmed tubal/MTX 4/10 FET 3d5e, BFP!!!! m/c 5/26/10 1 year break and yet another m/c 5/11 FET #5 initial beat 121, second beta 7 Lap and removal of L tube and very mild endo 7/11 Suprise BFP 12/11 & m/c @ 8 wks. After 11 losses and one beautiful miracle our journey is over, we are thankful and at peace.
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    Hey there!  My update is that I have my WTF appt later this afternoon; and my RE will be checking on those cysts that caused me sooo much pain and sent me to the emergency dept a couple of weeks ago.  I'm guess that because the pain in non-existent that the cysts are gone.  At least that's what I keep telling myself.  

    As for is flying right's HOT, but I'm not complaining, I like warm weather.  No more trips planned - that I know of....Aruba in May and a family visit to Maine / NY in June was plenty! 

    And...I agree...we need some BFPs to celebrate!!

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    jcathjcath member

    I'm starting my second IUI - had my monitoring appt last Fri and am taking my Femara.  Have decided to ditch the CBEFM this cycle and do nothing more than the Dr asks - which is plenty.

    Summer has completely flown by - my kids go back to school Aug 2 - which is entirely insane and has made us all grumpy.  I'm taking a few days off the last week of July to get haircuts and school supplies and the like then we are headed to DH's parents lake house to spend the last weekend of summer.  We have a beach trip planned in Sept when the kids have a weird random week off of school - the prices are way cheaper and so we got a gorgeous house with a beach view

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    Joe'sSweetPea- 40, CA, TTC #1 since 8/09 

    My summer has been busy!  I am training for the Nike Women's Half Marathon in October.  I have been taking  bootcamp classes 3-4 mornings a week at 6am as well as upping my training and mileage.  We will be going to Wisconsin next week for 10 days to visit his family.  I love it there.  I get to read, drink wine, and relax by the Bay the entire time.  DH gets to go fishing, drink beer, and do "manly things" with his dad!

    We are still TTC, but I have "given it back to the Lord".  DH and I want to conceived "naturally" and won't go the route of IUI or IVF.  If it is meant to be.....  So I have stopped peeing on things, getting poked by people, drinking and eating things to help improve our fertility, standing on my head after sex, etc....  :)  It was a hard choice, but the right choice for us.

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    Thanks for updating this list!

    My update is I'm about to start cycle 2 on Clomid. After a disappointing weekend, I'm ready to roll. The fact that I spent the weekend tearing up old tile and carpet at home may have helped. It's amazing how taking a hammer to things is such a stress releiver Smile That's my summer update, too. We're doing a home reno - new hardwood floors and paint throughout. So excited!

    Here's hoping for a successful (and side effect free) round 2!

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    My info's correct (at least for another month and a half, when I have another birthday). :)

    Summer?  What's that? Stick out tongue Oh yeah, the time of hot temps.  Well, work actually heats up too for me during the summer as we're gearing up for our fall exhibitions.  I did have a chance to go back to the Cape (Cod, MA) earlier this month, to see my folks, but now DH and I are packing, packing, packing.  We move to a new apt at the end of the month...

    ...which is great, because this means I'm super busy during this current 2ww.  I'm 6 dpo and trying hard -- yet failing miserably -- to ignore feelings that are most likely just phantom symptoms.  I might test this weekend, as my mom and stepdad are coming to help DH and I pack and it would be a nice surprise for them if I were to have good news to share!

    Runaway Bride - Catch me if you can!
    photo by Scott Metzger
    kikijbird ~ Erica (aka Kiki) & Paul ~ 24 April 2010
    The JBirds Bio ~ Updated 03.02.10 - Invites!


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    Hi all! If you could add me to the success stories, that would be great! It still seems unreal at times.

    lizzyb11 - Liz - TTC since 8/08 - BFP 5/10 - EDD 1/15/11

    Hope to hear good news from you all soon! Good luck to those in the 2ww!

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    Having a great, hot, summer!  My garden is growing well...hopefully I can do some more "growing" elsewhere if ya know what I mean!

    My first RE appt. is on Thursday of this week.  We'll see what happens.  Tests I'm sure.  Results too if we're lucky.  A gameplan very soon I hope!


    About me: A pixie in the city, 41, TTC #1 since May 2010, married 18 years. Diagnosed with, surgically removed, endometrioma Aug.2010 Sept 2010 IUI #1=BFN, Oct=cyst/bfn, Nov 2010 IUI #2 = bfn. Had to postpone IUI #3 b/c of a cyst natural=BFN. Skipped IUI #3, decided to go for IVF. Found/removed uterine polyps Jan 2011. IVF cancelled, no follicles. IVF #2: 3 great embies put in on Easter Sunday = BFN. Hoping for another chance at IVF in July. TTC is NOT for wimps.
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    the info that you have is correct but i have an update.  I am in the tail end of this IVF cycle.  I started BCP june 10 and started injections July 1.  I just triggered last night and my ER is Tuesday morning.  I am excited and scared all at the same time.


    As for summer we have been pretty busy.  Between school and the injections and of course DH took a week off and we spend much needed time at the beach with the kids.

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    LOL! Chicken--38, MI, TTC 31 since 9/07


    I'm not TTC my 31st kid! Indifferent Wink


    My summer has gone by fast.  I haven't done a whole lot....well nothing really (Man, I'm lame) which I wish I could blame on this heat but it's only been really hot since end of June. 

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    Nest Name:  redsoxbono  Age: 40  Location: MA TTC: #1 since 10/09

    We are going to start an IUI cycle at the end of July/ beginning of August.  I think IVF is our best shot, but the insurance company is having us do "one or two" (hopefully one) before they will let us move on.

     My summer has been good.  We just got back from LA. Also, the weather up here has been great and I've gotten a lot of beach time in!

     Good luck to all of you ladies - we need some BFPs around here!


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    mmz -- 37, DC, TTC #2 since 10/09

    I'm on CD 4, cycle 10. feeling really sick of TTC, but I feel that I my age, I can't afford to take a break from trying. DH is totally against medical treatment, so I'm looking into the traditional chinese thing or otherwise non-traditional treatments. I've been reading up on mayan abdominal massage lately...

     sorry to be such a downer. :-( I've just been having a pity party since AF appeared on Friday. I hate that wench!

     as for the summer, it's been HOTT in DC for the last couple of weeks. but I'm out of vacation days, so it looks like I'm stuck!

    good vibes to everyone!

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    This summer has finally begun in Seattle with warmer, sunny days, yea! I also look forward to a visit from my younger, pregnant (yea!) sister next week.

     Today I am 10 dpo according to FF, and I stupidly wasted a perfectly good pee stick on 9 dpo, which of course was negative. Now I am awaiting AF which should arrive like clockwork in 3 days, so I guess I will hold of on wasting any more pee sticks until then, or after, if there is an after. I feel like she is on the way though, so I am not very hopeful for a BFP this month. This is only my second cycle of trying, so I guess I should stop complaining!

    IVF #1 ET 1 d3 embryo 10/30/11 BFP
    3 Embryos frozen (1 d5, 2 d6)

    DS born 07/29/12

    FET #1 ET 1 d5 embryo 02/10/15 BFN

    FET #2 1 d6 embryo didn't survive thaw, transferred last d6. CP :(

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    I'm missing Sad

    TTC since 9/08 age 40 NM

    I have my baseline tomorrow and took my last BCP on Sunday!!!  Yaay!

    My donor should start stims on 7/31...looking at an ER the week of 8/9!

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    Oh no, I'm MIA too.

    38, VA, TTC #1 since 9/08.

    Summer plans-  a lot of little long weekend trips here and there.  I'm going to my first Jimmy Buffet concert over Labor Day with my DH and a few friends.  They are all Buffet-veterans so I'm hoping to just follow their lead. 

    TTC-  Taking one day at a time.  All the temping/herbs/timing/etc was making us crazy, and after 1 CP, 1 MC and an ectopic, we've decided to just let nature take it's course.  It's done wonders for our stress-levels which overflows positive effects across all areas of our lives.  Of course, we still want to grow our family but it got to the point it was all-encompassing and we lost ourselves.  Of course, we may decide to go back to the TTC regimen, but in the meantime, we're taking a break.  I am, however, a lurker and keeping a close eye on my TTC+35 girls.  You can't get rid of me that easily!

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    Hello there!!

    talullahs, age 38, NY, ttc #1 since 5/10

    AF is due tonight and I hope she doesn't come.  Broke down and took a HPT yesterday and got a BFN so I'm not holding my breath.

    Hubs and I have done a good deal of traveling because of work this summer and we added tag-a-long vacations.   In June we were in Alaska (beautiful) for my job, and we just got back from L.A. last week for his job (where we added a trip to Catalina Island - gorgeous!). 

    We wanted to take a first anniversary trip next month, but I think we're going do something local and save up money and aim for a big trip at Christmastime (which, wouldn't it be great if that was our last pre-baby getaway?).


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