When did you start really trying to get your babies on a more predictable nap schedule? We tend to use the EASY method (eat-activity-sleep) and try to follow their cues for putting them down for naps. They will sometimes just cat-nap throughout the day in 30 minute chunks, and sometimes will have a nice long nap in the middle of the day. They usually nap in the living room in swings, boppies, the PNP, or the Moby/Bjorn - mostly because they refuse to stay asleep in their cribs and I get so tired of going in to soothe them over and over that I just give up and put them in other places just so they'll sleep. I really really want them to be predictably napping in their cribs at specific times of day very soon, mostly for my own sanity. Is this realistic at this age? Any tips? I need to go back and re-read our sleep books.
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Re: 3-4 month old nap schedule??
My started getting predictable with their wakeup times around 4.5 months. Before that, we maintained this schedule but the times were more off at times:
6 am: Wake up & bottle
7:30 am: Nap on blanket (30 minutes)
9 am: Bottle
10 am: Nap in crib (1.5-3 hours)
12:30 pm: Bottle
2 pm: Nap in crib (1 hour)
3:30 pm: Bottle
4:30 pm: Nap on blanket (15-30 minutes)
5:45 pm: Bath
6:00 pm: Bottle
6:15 pm: Bed
We never followed any advice from books. We just adapted this schedule based on their cues and needs.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
I never read any stinkin books b/c I knew they would drive me crazy.
Mine nap wherever they are sometimes and sometimes they go in the PnP
so true about the books.