
** busybea **

What happened with your diabetes testing??  What did they tell you?
Three losses in 2009; Boy/Girl twins born in 2010 image

Re: ** busybea **

  • Hi!  Thanks for asking ....They had me take another test on Friday, so i'm waiting on the results of that now.  They did believe it was what you ladies mentioned, reactive hypoglycemia, but were concerned as I had always passed all my other tests including with LO.  My iron is also extremely low as well so they have me popping pills until they can figure out what is real and what is not and thankfully the Ferralet (SP) is a super duper stool softener.  So as long as it's nothing too serious, i'll be good... and if it is, i'll just deal with it and do what I have to do to keep my LO's safe.
    image Nicholas Jacob born on 06/30/2009, 9.5lbs and 21 1/4" long Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Joshua Scott 5.3lbs & Jonathan Matthew 6.2lbs, born 08/31/10 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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