3rd Trimester

Baby's head is lower than my cervix

I didn't know that this was even possible, but it's what I've got going on. My Dr. told me this last Tuesday at my appointment, but I thought maybe I had misunderstood her. Yesterday I went into L&D for some monitoring because I hadn't felt the baby moving much at all that day. At L&D I had another internal and the nurse said the same thing as the Dr. She had a really hard time getting to my cervix and said she actually had to lift the head up to get behind it to find my cervix.

I find this totally bizzare, but I've googled and found other's who've had the same thing happen. My question is whether this will hinder progress? I'm almost fully effaced, but not dilated at all and I'm not sure how much of that effacement is progress because I've been dealing with cervical shortning since 23 weeks. 

It seems to me that if the head is lower than the cervix that it's not able to put the proper pressure on the cervix to cause it to dilate. It's not that I want to go into labor anytime soon it's just that I really don't want to have to be induced. 

Has anyone else had this happen?

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Re: Baby's head is lower than my cervix

  • What it sounds like to me is that your cervix is actually behind the baby still, or posterior.  I bet once your cervix moves forward you'll dilate quick.
  • Agreed with PP.  Your cervix is very thin but the opening of it is still posterior.  Once it's time...you'll go quickly!!


    Three losses in 2009; Boy/Girl twins born in 2010 image
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  • Sounds like a posterior cervix like mine. I'm already 4 cm though.
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • that's pretty wild- never heard of that.

    GL on your delivery regardless! :)

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Mine is positioned liked yours too!!

    On thursday she said mycervix was still high (and back) and had a hard time getting to it (lots of pressure during that internal). Her head is fully engaged and doc said "can't get any lower" I was dilated 2 cm but she said I was still  thick so I am sort of the opposite of you. I was thinking that since my cervix was where it was that that's why I wasn't too thinned out yet, but guess I am wrong. With my first I was completely thinned out but not dilated until I went into the hospital to have him (he was born at exactly 38 weeks).

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