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Traveling DH during IVF

has anyone else had to deal with a traveling DH during IVF?  we knew when we started this that is was a possibility he would need to leave town but now that i'm days away from ER, we're trying to decide whether to freeze until he is home or just move forward with a fresh transfer.  With our age (43), our chances are low to begin with and we should probably proceed if we get a good fert report regardless if i need to do the ET on my own.  DH is really wants to be there so we just aren't certain if i should go on my own (with a friend driving me home of course).

anyone have any thoughts?

Re: Traveling DH during IVF

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    I would go with a friend. My husband works 7 on and 7 off and he was gone for my second one. I had my parents bring me because they were available. I would want to do it with fresh if possible. Make the decision that is right for you. I got used to doing lots of treatment by myself because my DH is gone 50% of the time. Hoping this is the one for you!
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    thank you!  guess i was partly wondering if i was the only one having to do this mostly solo due to current work schedules.  i go in today to find out when i trigger... here we go.Big Smile
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    We got lucky and caught the tail end of DH's summer vacation (he's a teacher) for our first IVF. If he wasn't readily available to be with me I would go without him but I don't want to miss cycles no matter what.  My DH would be upset to miss out too (which I think is sweet) it's so great to have a supportive spouse.  GL to you whatever you decide!!!

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    I agree with the others, I'd go with a friend and do the fresh cycle. My DH was able to make both of our IVFs, but there were plenty of appointments in between with our IUIs and IVFs that DH didn't go to and I was fine with that - even though I saw plenty of women regularly in the office whose DHs were there almost every time. RE appts. are so frequent and most people's work skeds don't allow a ton of flexibility, so you do the best you can. good luck!
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