
We have another (much chubbier) preemie, baby Ben!

Well, it looks like our little Ben just couldn't stand the wait and arrived on July 15, 2010, at 35 weeks and 6 days.  He weighed 6 lbs., 13 oz., and is 19 inches long.  The delivery day started with my regular weekly appointment, and ended at 2:55 a.m. with Ben's arrival.  I am just getting home from my hospital stay, so I don't know if I have the energy to write all the details tonight.  To be brief, my experience was a world apart from my labor experience with our DD, Zoey, and I am so thankful for Ben staying in the oven much longer.  I got to have Ben in a regular birthing suite and I even got to hold him immediately after his arrival.  It was amazing.  Ben is still in the Special Care Nursery at the hospital and we hope to have him home in a couple of days.  Here are a couple of pics.


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