What has worked for you to stop this? One of our abbies gets up routinely at 4:45-5:00am for the day, while the other sleeps until 6:00. We've tried keeping them up later, puttin gthem down earlier. Just thought I would see if others have been able to sole this problem. He's very tired by 8 am, which is why we'd like to see him sleep a little longer in the am.
Re: Early awakening
What is their bedtime? Are they still on 2 naps a day or are they transitioning to 1 nap a day?
At 14mos. my girls were transitioning to 1 nap a day and it was a h*ll of a 3 week process (but they were also getting their 1 year molars at the same time, so that is why it was so bad). But my one twin started pulling the getting up at 5:30AM stuff when they normally got up at 8AM. I pulled out my Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child and he said the solution was an earlier bedtime. She was not getting enough regular sleep during the day because of the transition, so she needed to catch up at night. And since she was not getting good sleep during the day, she was waking at night (hence sleep begets sleep). So I since their normal bedtime hour was 7:30/8, I put her to bed at 6:15. It worked like a charm, took about 3 days and she stopped getting up early. I left it like this for about 8 days with the early bedtime and that is when she was able to get into a good afternoon nap routine of nap from 12:30-3:30. At this point once we were napping good during the day, I slowly moved her bedtime back to the 7:30/8PM timeframe by half hour increments each night.
If you move his bedtime up you will need to do this for at least a week straight, he is not going to catch up or get back into a normal routine in only a few nights. I had tried this at first before pulling out HSHHC and only did it for like 2 nights and thought it didn't work. But once I read that I needed to do this for at least 7 full days to see the effectiveness, he was right.