Toddlers: 24 Months+

um, i have a NTR question...

.... implantation bleeding, anyone?  can you tell me about it?  if you had, how long did it last?  was it just light spotting or was it heavy like a period?  just a gush and nothing else or did it go on?

um. yeah. i haven't wanted to talk about this but there is a possibility that i'm ku.  we didn't use a condom one time this month and i realized after the fact that i had been off a week.  i thought it was later in my cycle.  apparently it was cd 16.  i usually O right around then.

i had a gush today at cd26 but my period isn't due for another 5-7 days.  and normally i bleed so heavily that i have to change my tampon every few hours for the first 3 days but since that gush i haven't really had anything at all.

i'm so confused.  and terrified.

so again, i guess my question is if you had implantation bleeding, please tell me about it. 

Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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Re: um, i have a NTR question...

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    eesomeeesome member
    I didn't, but my sister did. She said it was about a teaspoon of blood, and then it stopped. It was only on one day.
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    With DD1 I had red bleeding right around week 4 [probably like 4w2d or 4w3d..I hadn't tested yet] and it lasted just one night. But it was enough for a light tampon. I thought "Oh, AF is here!" but then it stopped the next day except for a little bit of brown spotting a few days later. It didn't come out as a gush though..more like a {TMI ALERT} trickle.


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    thanks ladies - i know that no one can really tell me what's going on... i had always thought implantation bleeding was just spotting but then i googled it tonight and realized it's not necessarily just a little spotting.

    Tongue Tied

    i guess we will just wait and see.... 

    thanks for sharing your experience! 

    Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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    I had it and was shocked that I was pregnant because I was sure that I had started my period. It was just like the very beginning of a period like the first day normally is, but then it didn't get any heavier (I did bleed for 3 days though a moderate amount- more than I thought was common for implantation bleeding- it also was kinda bright colored mixed with some dark color) and on the third day it just stopped and I thought, hmm that's weird and immediately took a preg test and it was a BFP.

     Good luck. 

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    For me it was just tiny spotting.  Best wishes whatever happens.
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    When I had it, like PP said, I thought it was the beginning of my period. It was very light (not even enough to fill one tampon).  I only realized it was implantation bleeding because the next day I wasn't bleeding anymore when I was expecting it to become heavier.  Best of Luck!
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