So we had our 24 week ultrasound today and it went great. Baby A (boy) weighed 1 lb 8 oz and had a heartbeat of 143. Baby B (girl) weighed 1 lb 10 oz and had a heartbeat of 145. We got some great 3D pics of Baby B's face. Baby A is head down and far down so we couldn't see him as good. It was awesome. I am thrilled we are at our Week of Viability even though I am praying and believing the babies will be in there for 12-14 more weeks.
Re: 24 Week Ultrasound
Wow, this sounds exactly like my 24w appt. I had a few days ago. Babies were the exact same weights as yours, and both of mine had hbs of 145.
Glad you and babies got good reports
Keep up with me @ Koala Fuzz
That's really cool. I would love to talk more if you would. I am due November 5th (hoping for sometime between October 15th and 22nd). When are you due? My email is if you want to talk more.