TTC after 35

Pregnancy and Meds

I don't know if this is the right board, but I wanted to ask you ladies about getting pregnant and being pregnant on meds. I'm on an anti-anxiety medication and a mood stabilizer medication.  Of course, I'll discuss this with my therapist, but if you must go off psychiatric drugs while attempting pregnancy and staying pregnant, how do you cope with your mental/emotional issues?


Re: Pregnancy and Meds

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    I'm not a doctor but I would say replacing meds with moderate exercise as much as you can would help.  I found expercise to really help with my anxiety/mood/emotions.


    About me: A pixie in the city, 41, TTC #1 since May 2010, married 18 years. Diagnosed with, surgically removed, endometrioma Aug.2010 Sept 2010 IUI #1=BFN, Oct=cyst/bfn, Nov 2010 IUI #2 = bfn. Had to postpone IUI #3 b/c of a cyst natural=BFN. Skipped IUI #3, decided to go for IVF. Found/removed uterine polyps Jan 2011. IVF cancelled, no follicles. IVF #2: 3 great embies put in on Easter Sunday = BFN. Hoping for another chance at IVF in July. TTC is NOT for wimps.
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    I have no experience, but I've seen this question before. It depends on which meds you're on, some of them are safe while TTC and during pg. Most girls I've seen take the ones that approved, I'm sure your therapist can steer you in the right direction.
    1 ectopic 3 m/c's prior to 5/05 Un-freaking-explained IF 5/05 IVF, BFN 9/05 FET 3d5e, BFP = Beautiful Baby Girl (lucky pg #5) 8/08 Fet 3d5e, cp 12/08 IVF with PGD, transfer 3, BFN 5/09 FET transfer 4, BFN Hail Mary IUI with Follistim 9/11 BFP; 9/22 confirmed tubal/MTX 4/10 FET 3d5e, BFP!!!! m/c 5/26/10 1 year break and yet another m/c 5/11 FET #5 initial beat 121, second beta 7 Lap and removal of L tube and very mild endo 7/11 Suprise BFP 12/11 & m/c @ 8 wks. After 11 losses and one beautiful miracle our journey is over, we are thankful and at peace.
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    I went off my antidepressant for the first 6 months of TTC (on the advice of my doctor). I realized that I needed them back BADLY! I was upset about no BFP and couldn't handle the stress of daily life without them. So I went back on them with the understanding that as soon as I got a BFP, I would wean myself off of them, per doctor's orders. It worked out just fine. I was off of them well before the 8 week mark, so I feel like I didn't do any damage to the baby. I had to have the meds in order to survive TTC. When we had our m/c, I started taking them right away. I figured I needed all of the support I could get! Talk to your doctor and see if you could do something like that. I don't know why he had me go off of them when I wasn't even pregnant! Good luck!
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