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Secondary IF--workup/testing?

So, with secondary infertility, if there were no issues with the first pg, do they usually do ALL the same tests they would do with primary?  (i.e. HSG, SA?)  I would imagine some of that would be less likely to be an issue--but I guess a lot can change in 2 years--just wondering what to expect when I go to the RE.  Thanks, ladies!


Re: Secondary IF--workup/testing?

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    Hiya STP...don't know the answer to your question...but you can also post it on the Secondary IF board...maybe they can give you some responses too!


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I have been diagnosed with unexplained secondary IF and I had the same work-up as everyone else.  GL!
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    I have been diagnosed with unexplained secondary IF and I had the same work-up as everyone else.  GL!


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