TTC after 35

Doing all the things I shouldn't do (vent)

What's wrong with me - my emotions have completely taken over my body. I still have two days before AF is due (and hopefully doesn't show) and I'm trying not to get my hopes up, so what do I do? Look at maternity clothes and nursery ideas, think of what I'll say to friends tonight when they're drinking and I'm not.

Brilliant, Nik, just brilliant.

I usually can control myself, but not this month. I'm overly emotional and noticing every little cramp, ache, tiredness, etc. and reading wayyyy too much into it. One minute, I'm all "maybe," the next "no chance." I've been able to hold off on testing so far, but as D-day gets closer, it's getting sooo much harder to resist.

Ugh - somebody, stop me. So ridculous, I know.

Going for a run now - really need to clear my head. Have I mentioned this just really stinks?

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Re: Doing all the things I shouldn't do (vent)

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    We have all been there!  Hang in and do everything you can to not take the EPT.  I loved to suggestion of having someone else hold the tests so you can't do it but I understand if you have just gets expensive.

    Trust me,  I just bought a package of three and I am so highly sensitive to every sensation as well.  I never realized that my my body was reacting before.  But I am 8DPO and can't wait to test.  AF isn't suppose to arrive until next sucks waiting to hopefully not do this all over again!  

    Run for as long as possible and play the music really loud...personally I would drink and say I didn't know and be happy since you haven't tested yet.  I am over watching those shows on TLC where people didn't even know they were pregnant and had kids and drank and ate terribly until their heart was content.  

    Whatever keeps your mind off of it, the better (at least that is helpful for me)



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    lol ive done the same thing!! its like torturing yourself :)?

    *hugs* ?

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    Well, if you ask me, there is nothing wrong with you nor are you being ridiculous....we've all done those things (I'm sure)! 

    You are just thinking positive...and hoping...nothing wrong with that!

    Well...looks like I was the lucky recipient of hopefully she'll stay away from you!   LOL!!

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    Nik,  OMG I could have written your post nearly word for word!  And to make matters worse I feel like what should be a "we" event all me, while my DH goes out to happy hour and wonders why I don't want to meet them all there!  So far, I'm getting all the needle pricks and urine tests and he hasn't clued in yet on how to be a little more sensitive to our little project. 

    I'm just feeling sorry for myself and now instead of stopping you I'm starting a pity party!  (sorry Nik)

    I'm still very new to TTC but already phrases like "you're deficient in"  or "at your age"  are getting to me.   Ok.....breathe.......feels good to vent.


    About me: A pixie in the city, 41, TTC #1 since May 2010, married 18 years. Diagnosed with, surgically removed, endometrioma Aug.2010 Sept 2010 IUI #1=BFN, Oct=cyst/bfn, Nov 2010 IUI #2 = bfn. Had to postpone IUI #3 b/c of a cyst natural=BFN. Skipped IUI #3, decided to go for IVF. Found/removed uterine polyps Jan 2011. IVF cancelled, no follicles. IVF #2: 3 great embies put in on Easter Sunday = BFN. Hoping for another chance at IVF in July. TTC is NOT for wimps.
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    Ok.....breathe.......feels good to vent.


    Yes - it definitely helps to vent! I know it made me feel better - as did everyone's comments and support. People - men and women - just don't get it unless they've gone through it and even the most innocent of remarks can sting.

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    jcathjcath member
    ((hugs)) we all have those months
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