We are going to be on team green and are still unsure about first name choices but we are leaning toward Cade for a boy or Cate for a girl. I am having a hard time coming up with MN options. I would prefer longer MNs with 2-4 syllables. We like Cade William and Cade Nicholas but we're not 100% sure. What other MN's would you suggest? And what about MNs for Cate? TIA!
Re: MN suggestions
Cate Elizabeth
Cate Isabelle
Cate Alexandra
Cate Annabelle
Cade Alexander
Cade Jonathan
Cate Alexandra
Cate Elizabeth
Cate Penelope
Cate Oliovia
Cate Isabella
Cate Annabelle
Cate Annelise
Cate Rosalie
Cate Addison
Cate Juliet
Cate Madeline
I really like Cade William. Cade Nicholas is okay too.
Cade Matthew
Cade Phillip
Cade Elias
Cade Michael
Cade Alexander
Cade Christopher
Cade Anthony
Cade Harrison
Cade Lucas
Cade Alexander
Cate Elizabeth
I do like Cade William!
Cate Michelle
Cate Rosalie
Cate Evangeline
Cade Thomas
Cade Emerson
Cade Harrison
Since you love Cate, let me ask you. Do you think people will think it is just a different spelling of Kate? I think of Kate as a nickname for Katherine but I think Cate can stand alone as a first name. I don't want people to think we chose Kate and decided to spell it differently. I really think of Cate as a different name than Kate even though they sound the same. What do you think?
I know you weren't talking to me, but I like Cate so I'll answer anyways
I tend to think of Cate/Kate as nicknames for Catherine/Katherine, but IMO they can definitely still stand alone as names. Some people will probably think it's a spelling variation, and I think you'll have to say "Cate with a C" frequently, but that's not really a big deal if you prefer Cate.
::butting out::
I like Cade too! For a mn I like Cade Benjamin, Cade Nathaniel, or Cade Matthew- 2 or 3 syllables sounds best
I LOVE Cate! To me, it's the same name as Kate. I think of it short for Catherine. Even though it's technically a nickname, I think it makes a great stand alone name. Like Jack.