Maryland Babies

Favorite Playthings (Poll)

What toy is your child most interested in right now?

What non-toy object to they love to play with?

Pictures if you have them 

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Re: Favorite Playthings (Poll)

  • What toy is your child most interested in right now?

    Ada loves her dolly and more recently some little plastic cars. 

    What non-toy object to they love to play with?

    She is absolutely fascinated with the wooden spoon. She loves to wave it around and bang it against the floor. Today she was using it to pull toys across the floor.

    Pictures if you have them 



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  • Ava loves her blocks. They come in a big plastic bag and she loves dumping them out.

    Non-toy object...keys. We let her have them until she starts putting them in mouth..yuck. She is also in love with this yellow plastic shovel (a sand toy)..but I guess that is considered a toy.

    The picture in my siggie is her and the

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  • John loves anything that will make a loud noise, so right now his set of stackable cups, he loves.  He can grasp them really well and smack them together.

    Non-toy object is my cell phone, everytime he see's it he goes right for it. 

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  • Toy- lots of things, I think right now the little Leap Frog table he can stand up at (he can hold himself up for a couple mins but then mommy or daddy have to help cause he gets tired but is not ready to be done yet


    Non Toy is everything, but especially my cell phone or the computer or his diaper bag




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  • Lisa- we have that table & it's great!

    Last night DH brought home a bag of hand-me-down fisher-price loving family dollhouse stuff- we already had gotten the house, so DD has been very occupied with it since then.  She has gotten really into her baby dolls lately as well and likes to mimic what I do with DS. 

    Her favorite non-toy fun right now is playing with plastic bowls and cups full of water on the deck- basically a "free" water table, she stays very busy pouring the water from one container to another- oh and a spray bottle full of water is very fun for her! 

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  • Sean really likes this stackable wooden toy train his Aunt just got him. The only problem is that he grabs a wooden piece in each hand and then wants to bang them against the TV screen Tongue Tied

    Non-toy.....basically anything he can bang together and make noise with. Oh, and the cat. He is always on a mission to find the cat, pin it down, and hug it. whether the cat wants to or not.

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  • What toy is your child most interested in right now? Annabelle loves her stacking cups and bath toys. She loves banging them against the floor and chewing on them.

    What non-toy object to they love to play with? my cell phone, the remote control.




  • Favorite toy: this rattle that is in the shape of a ball


    Favorite non-toy- a burp cloth.  SHe cuddles it!  I guess because it smells like me...)



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  • Aiden is going through a wooden puzzle phase right now.

    Non toy is pretty much anything he can get his hands on.  One of his favorites is the remote for our ceiling fan in our bedroom.

    Laura & Jim ~ July 10, 2004
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  • Favorite toy: right now its Little People, Noah's Ark is a big hit she likes lining up the animals on top.


    Favorite NOn-Toy - My iphone is always a hit

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  • playing - she loves her Disney princess cellphone (gaaak that I bought it, but serioulsy, it talks back to her and she loves it!)  Also - any bubbles are a big hit.

    non-toy - the sink!  She loves to stand at the sink play8ing w/ cups and splashing her hands around.  I really should just buy the girl a water table already.

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  • Playing- Her Baby Einstein music's like a baby IPOD and she loves all the lights that light up and the songs.  She also loves her baby doll, named Baby...I always catch her cooing and ah-gooing and laughing at Baby.

    Non-Toy- My hair, any jewelry I might be wearing...she now thinks is hers for the taking.  She also stuffs her burp cloth in her mouth at any opportunity.

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  • imageKathrynMD:

    playing - she loves her Disney princess cellphone (gaaak that I bought it, but serioulsy, it talks back to her and she loves it!)  Also - any bubbles are a big hit.

    non-toy - the sink!  She loves to stand at the sink play8ing w/ cups and splashing her hands around.  I really should just buy the girl a water table already.

     Does she try to drink the water when playing at the sink? Ava has a water table and all she wants to do is drink it. I'm hoping she'll grow out of it.

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