Baby A is mosty behind an anterior placenta, so I don't feel him nearly as much as I feel his brother. With one exception: When he (Baby A) gets the hiccups, I can feel it in my crotch.
It. is. so. weird. Feels like popcorn is popping inside my vagina. Anyone one else have this?
Re: Crotch hiccups?
I had this with my singleton. She was +2 engaged for about 3 weeks before I delivered and she would have them for what seemed like hours and after a while, I dreaded her getting them because it was just so weird feeling.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has experienced this!
And anytime baby A (head down on cervix) is moving feels like her hands are coming thru my cervix.... i feel in like it's inside my va-jay-jay area. It's freaky feeling. Glad i'm not the only one.