This is my great-grandmother's name and I've been thinking about using it if there's a DD2 in the future. I googled and it said Lee-luh, which is what I thought. Is that how you would pronounce it? Also, do you think it could be spelled any different (not in a kre8iv way, just differently)?
Re: How to pronounce/spell Lela
In this country I would pronounce it Lee-luh
In Italy I would pronounce it Laylah
Yep this. For pronounciation reasons I might do Leelah or Leela.
Lela = LEE-luh. (And I first read this post as "Leia" as in "Princess Leia." LOL)
Leila = LAY-luh, a traditional Arabic name, also spelled Laila and Layla. Like the Eric Clapton song.
Lela - I instantly said "lee-luh" when I read the name
Layla - Is the spelling I'd use to pronouce it "Lay-luh"
BTW, your DD pic is adorable!
Hmm . . . this is tricky. My eyes say lell-uh, but my head really wants to make into a logical name, so I would likely say Lee-la? How did you want it pronounced? I think you're going to have to adjust the spelling some to get the right pronunciation automatically:
LAY-lah: Leila, Layla, Laila, Laela
LEE-luh: Leela, Liela (but the eyes will correct this, so it will get mispronounced Leila fairly often and it could just as easily be LYE-lah)
LIHL-uh: Lilla, Lylla
LYE-luh: Lylah, Lyla
Honestly, I would probably pronounce Lela like lay-la. Mostly because I have never met a Lee-la in my life.
I'm not sure how you would spell it to get a definite "Lee" pronouciation. I guess Leela maybe?
For me, there are so many Layla (or Leilas), Lilas, Lolas... Throw in Lela and you can see why it is butchered so much.
Wasn't Leela the purple-haired cyclops on Futurama?
I still like it though
Lela is my grandmother's name and it is pronounced LEE-la. She does have people call her LAY-la quite often though.
Regardless, I love the name and we had planned to use it if we were having a girl!
I love that name; DH and I want to use it. Here's our dilemma. I would spell it Lila because in Spanish it's Lee-la and it means lilac (my favorite flower), but that's how you can spell Lilah too. I would say maybe Leela.
ANd to clarify (if you have not heard the song) I would pronounce this version as Lay-luh, not Lee-luh...I think Lela could be either that you like. (and i realized that I wrote speel for spell haha!)
but with more sausages.