Did anyone get their nursery furniture from Babies R Us? Do you need to order it in advance or do they have most of it in stock? Since DH and I start teaching again in late August, we want to set up the nursery in early/mid August (even though we aren't due until December.) Other people talk about ordering furniture 10-12 weeks early.
Anyone have ideas about this? TIA!
Re: Dumb nursery furniture question...
I think they have some stuff in stock, but there are other pieces that they do not have in stock.
On a side note--both you and DH are teachers? My DH and I are both teachers as well. What do you teach? What does he teach? I was interested in your name (The MLS part) I didn't know if that had any meaning behind what you do.
He is an 8th grade math teacher, and I am just subbing for now, since no one is going to hire a preggo teacher.
I'm certified 7-12 English, and I would LOVE to teach 8th grade (or 7th!).
The MLS is just my maiden initials. Nothing to do with teaching! What do you and your DH teach?