
bad news...really worried :(

Hi ladies. My 20 week appt yesterday proved good news and bad. The girls look great. 11oz and 12oz and both measuring perfectly. Then they measured my cervix. It measured at 2.3 :( 2 weeks ago it was 3.2. My OB put me on strict bedrest. The rest I am not concerned about. I can do it. (I think) I am worried about my cervix and only being 20 weeks. Can anyone share a similar success story? After all I have been through I have not enjoyed this pregnancy like I want too...and this is making it worse. My other question is could it go back to normal? Could it be the way the girls were laying? Everytime before they have been side by side...yesterday they were on top of each other and right on my cervix. Thanks ladies...and I guess get use to me :)
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Re: bad news...really worried :(

  • My cervix measured 2.4cm at my 20 week ultrasound.  My doctor put me on modified bedrest.  I held steady until my 30 week appointment when I dilated to 1 cm.  A week later I went into PTL and dilated to 3cm.  I was put on hospital bedrest for 2 1/2 weeks and was released at 34 weeks since they wouldn't stop labor at that point.  I made it to 36 weeks 2 days when my water broke.  Both babies came out perfectly healthy with no NICU time.  The good news is they found out early, so you can do bedrest and really take it easy.  There have been many people who have had a short cervix and made it really far along in their pregnancy. 

     Oh and to answer your other question, my doctor didn't think my cervix would ever get longer again, which it didn't.  Although I have heard of some people having irritability to where the measurement could go up and down just within one appointment.  Good luck and take it easy - I'm sure if you do that, you'll do fine :)

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I'm sorry about your cervix measurement.... (mine went from 3.8 to 2.8 after PTL....and I started dilating too).  I've heard of ppl having "varying" lengths...

    Welcome to the yucky bedrest (BR) club.  I was on BR weeks 10-14....and now am on BR until I deliver.  I hope to keep my LOs growing.  Please take it easy  (I didn't) and ended up with hospital time....contractions every 2 to 3 minutes....and bought myself a mag sulfate drip. 

    Take care...and I will be around on the boards too.  It really helps me to know I'm not the only one in the BR boat.

    TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009. BFP on New Year's 2010. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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  • I have a girlfriend who had a similar situation. She was on hospital bed rest for 110 days but delivered two beautiful and healthy twin girls with only one of them spending 4 days in the NICU.
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  • One of my coworkers was put on bedrest at 16 weeks when her cervix was only 2.2 and she actually had a cerclage done.  She remained on BR the remainder of her pregnancy and delivered two beautiful healthy girls at 37 wks 5 days.  She said the bedrest was terrible, but so worth it.  Good luck!
  • I went to my regular scheduled peri visit at 22 weeks and they saw that my cervix was at a 0.8 (from 3.8 the previous visit). I was in PTL and had no clue! I was contracting every 3-4 minutes. Was in the hospital on mag for 10 weeks where they did weekly ultrasounds and my cervix would fluctuate around 0.8-1.3. I contracted and had irritable uterus throughout. I could only lay on my sides and could not lay on my back or sit up, even to eat!

    Once your cervix shortens, it typically won't go back to normal, but it could fluctuate a little bit. It also depends on the shadowing of the ultrasound and lots of factors that could make your reading differ.

    Good luck! I made it 10 weeks with my tiny bit of cervix left. You just really have to take bedrest serious!


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  • Sorry you're joining the club.  :(

    Long and short of it - your cervix won't go back to normal.  And it has nothing to do with how the girls are positioned either.  Like PP said, it's possible for it to lengthen a little bit (the uterus is a big muscle after all), but that's not a likely phenomenon.  Even if it does lengthen - it can always go right back.  Mine fell from 3.1 to 2.3 cm in 6 days and that's when I went onto bedrest at 23 weeks.  It stayed in the 2.5ish range since.  I had my last u/s today and it was 1.9 cm with funneling.  So the last 10 weeks of bedrest have been worth it. 



    Three losses in 2009; Boy/Girl twins born in 2010 image
  • cadencaden member
    I can't really claim to be a success story at this point, however...At 22w my cervix wasn't much longer than yours and I was put on bedrest. But so far so good. It's been 5 weeks and it hasn't gotten any worse. I'm getting pretty used to DH doing every chore in the house Wink
  • My cervix was 1.55 cm at 16 weeks and funneling. We put a cerclage in and it's currently holding at 2.6ish. I have been on bedrest since the cerclage at 16wks6days.
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  • janjagjanjag member

    i know what you mean about not enjoying a pg after going through alot just to get pg, and really wanting to enjoy a pg.  not fair at all.  but, i feel like mine is a success story. 

    my cervix was 3.5 at my 19wk check.  at 23wks it was 1.9.  i don't know when, or how fast the change occurred.  at 28wks it was .5.

    unfortunately my peris said a shortened cervix never lengthens again.  it might relax and look longer, but with pressure it will shorten again.  but you should ask your doc for his/her perspective.

    bedrest is hard, but you know you'll do whatever you have to.  let us know if you have bedrest q's.  crossing everything that your cervix stays where it is :)

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