
AW: 4 months PsIP!

i feel so amazingly BLESSED to have such beautiful and wonderful kiddos!  happy 4 months (well, it was yesterday!) Big brother and his babies!Photobucket The Peanuts!Photobucket Yea, all the cool kids hang out on my couch! Photobucket my little diva!Photobucket  and because no matter how many times i resize it, i always have one obnoxiously HUGE one (sorry) my bubby!Photobucket
<3 Mommy to Markhas Aiden 10-4-06 Born at 29 weeks & Spontaneous Twins, Mackayla Grace and Braylon Deion 3-12-10 Born at 36 weeks 1 day <3 <a href="" target="_blank">PhotobucketMY B.L.O.G. Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickersa> Lilypie First Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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