
I'm starting to get really cranky

I'm letting things that wouldn't normally bother me really get to me. I posted a recent picture of my baby bump for friends and family to see and one of my husbands family members had to tell me "I hate to break it to you but you bump is not a bump it's more like a hill" I know I'm HUGE but did that really need to be said? Thanks for making me feel like an even bigger cow than I already feel. I'm 34 weeks and measuring 50 weeks already. =(

Re: I'm starting to get really cranky

  • I am also very irritable  - I think it is because I am so uncomfortable all the time.
  • They suck.

    Duh, 2 babies = bigger belly than one baby = STFU!

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  • :-P to him! If it makes you feel better i measured 48 weeks at 28 weeks...They haven't measured me since, we've just been watching the u/s's.
  • I'm right there w/ya.  The little stuff is getting to me.  and ppl.'s comments about my bump are really making me mad. 

    And hate to rant..... but I don't want 1 more singleton mom telling me any of her opinions.... they are not related to my multiple pregnancy.  Ugh! 

    TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009. BFP on New Year's 2010. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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