I can't remember which one of you posted the other day that you work at WS part time. If it was either of you I have a question....you mentioned wanting the Nespresso machine. I really want to get an espresso maker, but I don't want to shell out over $400 for one. I don't even need one that froths milk since my Aerolatte thing does the job. I am really liking the reviews on the Nespresso, but I am leary about having to buy seperate pods. Plus, when my neighbor makes one with her snazzy $1200 machine, she makes me 3 shots for my large iced drink. Would I have to burn through 3 pods just to make one drink? Anyway, thanks for the help if it was either of you. I had never heard of the machine before & now I am curious.
Re: Zenya or JOEBunny
**butting in***
Accidentally opened this post instead of the one next to it... but just had to let you know I am IN LOVE with our Nespresso machine
I wasn't a coffee drinker at all before we got it, and now I seriously don't know what we'd do without it - lol. It makes the best coffee and espresso, and it's so easy to use, too. Yeah, the pods means making a commitment to the company (but they have great customer service, and super-quick shipping, so it's actually been nice to have the to-the-door delivery feature).
The pods range from 55-62 cents each (for either a single shot of espresso, or a larger cup of coffee) - worth every penny IMHO b/c the quality of the coffee/espresso is so good. So if you're making a large iced coffee, yeah you might need two-three shots - but you wouldn't probably wouldn't think too much of paying $1.60 at Starbucks...
And since you already have the Aerochino machine (that's a nespresso product), you'd be all set with even just their basic Essenza machine (got ours on amazon, macy's has them 40% off from time to time, too) - worth looking at the bundled packages, though, if your aerochinno doesn't froth cold milk, too - that's awesome for summer and iced drinks
Yeah, all this from the woman who a year ago didn't drink coffee, even after growing up in Starbucks... er, I mean Seattle
**butting back out now**