
Birthdate Poll

Would you share a birthday with your child (if it was under your control)?

I will be 39w 3 days after my birthday, and my doctor indicated today that they would have me schedule around 39w, not necessarily 39w or later.

I'd like to schedule my c/s on a Thu/Fri just because of MH's time off work being maximized by weekends as well, and my birthday is on a Friday.

The other Friday option is the 17th, which is a few days past 39w, and while I think I'd be fine with that (a few days past even though some days I feel like if I'm pg one more minute I might lose my mind), my doctor did indicate today that I should be prepared to go earlier because of the GD (even though my GD has been very well controlled w/ the diet).

So yeah, share a birthday?  Or not?

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Re: Birthdate Poll

  • I don't think that would bother me at all.  However, I would not want my kids to share a birthdate if it could be helped.  Weird, huh?

    BTW, PM!

  • Sure.  I wouldn't mind sharing my birthday.  And I could see a young child thinking it was really neat to have the same birthday as Mom.
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  • I'd rather not.  but either way,  since dc's bday will be so close to yours, it will be all about dc's day and not yours anyway.  so I guess it doesn't matter.  
  • Yes, I would not mind sharing at all.
  • I vote no.  If it just so happens you go into labor and have her that day, fine, but not a planned shared birthday.  

    Natalie was born 3 days before my birthday, so we went home the day before my birthday.  I just think if she was born on my birthday, everybody would always be pointing that out and I didn't want that (mine was a planned induction, so I had a couple date options...3 days before or 1 day before). 



  • Birthdays are for kids. I wouldn't mind a bit if we shared a birthday and actually think it would be pretty special.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • I would prefer it if I never had to have another birthday again.  Rather than share mine, I would gladly give it entirely to my child.  But I would also worry about cheating DC out of his/her own special day.  So given the choice, I would probably choose the following Friday.
  • j*w - you have one back!  :)

    It probably doesn't matter; I've always claimed the whole month of September as my birth month so I'm going to have to share anyway.  Actually, I've always shared my birthday in some form - my brother's birthday is 2 days after mine and he shares a birthday with our Grandma.  I'm pretty sure the only solo celebrations I've ever had were when I turned 1 and when I was away at college and turned 21.  ;)

    That's the other option - the 13th (which is a Monday) is my brother and Grandma's bday.  My mom CHOSE that for my bro, haha (scheduled c/s).  Also, my Grandma turns 80 this year.


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  • image4Speedy:
    I would prefer it if I never had to have another birthday again.  Rather than share mine, I would gladly give it entirely to my child.  But I would also worry about cheating DC out of his/her own special day.  So given the choice, I would probably choose the following Friday.

    I have said this is going to be my last bday multiple times - I'll be 29.  :)  It could work in my master plan to never acknowledge turning 30.

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  • No I wouldn't want to share my bday with my child. It may sound selfish, but I don't want to share. Sharing a bday with my child would mean never having a bday for myself because it would always be about the kid. Plus, we like my parents to take the kids on our bdays to celebrate, go out for dinner etc and that wouldn't happen if we shared a bday. DD2 was born the day before our anniversary and I would have rather there be more time in between. May is going to be a crazy month for us!
    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
  • imageeclaires:

    That's the other option - the 13th (which is a Monday) is my brother and Grandma's bday.  My mom CHOSE that for my bro, haha (scheduled c/s).  Also, my Grandma turns 80 this year.

    OK, this information changes everything.  I know it messes up the plan with DH's time off, but it would be pretty neat to have three generations born on the same day.  And the relatives are not so close that your child would ever feel like they didn't get their own special day.

  • imageeclaires:

    j*w - you have one back!  :)

    One more!
  • image4Speedy:

    That's the other option - the 13th (which is a Monday) is my brother and Grandma's bday.  My mom CHOSE that for my bro, haha (scheduled c/s).  Also, my Grandma turns 80 this year.

    OK, this information changes everything.  I know it messes up the plan with DH's time off, but it would be pretty neat to have three generations born on the same day.  And the relatives are not so close that your child would ever feel like they didn't get their own special day.

    Really his time off is pretty flexible - Friday seemed kind of nice for the extra weekends added on, but not make or break.  He has a lot of flex time/time off.  Anyway, I have really considered the 13th, too.  September is kind of our thing with my brother/Grandma/me so it's fun that Scarlett will be included in that - Jackson was due in September too but he stuck it out to the 1st of October, the stinker!

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  • j*w - PM!

    (and really the nest should set up an alert system through the browser like most other boards do - idiots)

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  • With DD, it was a possibility that she could share a birthday with DH. Then someone mentioned to us that what happens when DH dies. Her birthday would always be a horrible day.
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  • I was exactly 39w on my 30th birthday.  Doc wouldn't schedule me for that day and here are his reasons (which I agree with and had her at 39w, 2d).

    1.  While I might not sharing a birthday with her, she might hate growing up/being a teen/adult and sharing one with me.

    2.  What if something were to wrong with the birth/child and she died?  Would I want to forever have my birthday ruined by the death of my child.

    3.  How would that child feel after I died?  Would their birthday be ruined every year since mom, who also shared that day, was now gone?

    He said if I happen to go in to labor on that day, so be it.  But he doesn't believe in scheduling same day birthdays.

    Good luck!

    (I will also say that I always thought it was awesome that I shared a birthday with my grandmother (dad's mom).  I loved her to pieces and believed we shared an extra connection due to sharing our birthdays.  We always celebrated together, etc.  Then she died.  And my birthday is missing something every year now.  I miss her terribly, often but not nearly as much as I miss her on my birthday!)

  • coktcokt member
    My birthday is the day after my dad's and I loved it growing up and still do. I don't think I would have minded it being on the same day either, although it is kind of nice to have your own day, you know?
  • imagelaughteriskey:

    3.  How would that child feel after I died?  Would their birthday be ruined every year since mom, who also shared that day, was now gone?

    This is not just a response to Jodi, but it was the easiest to quote!  I have a friend who actually chose her deceased father's bday as her induction date because it gave the day a happier memory and was kind of an ode to him as well.  Just the flip side...

  • No!  I shared a birthday with my grandfather up until he passed away 2 years ago and it just sucked all the way around.  My aunts and uncles would always forget it was my bday too and now everyone (including me) is just sad on his bday.  DS's bday is the day after our anniversary and while it can be a little crazy, I'm so glad he wasnt' born on our birthday.  I would try to do it the day before your bday if you can. 
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • imagej*w*:

    3.  How would that child feel after I died?  Would their birthday be ruined every year since mom, who also shared that day, was now gone?

    This is not just a response to Jodi, but it was the easiest to quote!  I have a friend who actually chose her deceased father's bday as her induction date because it gave the day a happier memory and was kind of an ode to him as well.  Just the flip side...

    That's really sweet......but not really applicable in this instance.  E is still alive!  :)

  • Sure, I'd share a bday with my kid(s).  Depending on what my Dr.s surgery day was, I'd go for the earliest possible delivery I could get.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagelaughteriskey:

    3.  How would that child feel after I died?  Would their birthday be ruined every year since mom, who also shared that day, was now gone?

    This is not just a response to Jodi, but it was the easiest to quote!  I have a friend who actually chose her deceased father's bday as her induction date because it gave the day a happier memory and was kind of an ode to him as well.  Just the flip side...

    That's really sweet......but not really applicable in this instance.  E is still alive!  :)


    I'm just saying it's not always a bad feeling to share a birthday with someone who is deceased (what a few people have mentioned).

  • imagej*w*:

    3.  How would that child feel after I died?  Would their birthday be ruined every year since mom, who also shared that day, was now gone?

    This is not just a response to Jodi, but it was the easiest to quote!  I have a friend who actually chose her deceased father's bday as her induction date because it gave the day a happier memory and was kind of an ode to him as well.  Just the flip side...

    That's really sweet......but not really applicable in this instance.  E is still alive!  :)


    I'm just saying it's not always a bad feeling to share a birthday with someone who is deceased (what a few people have mentioned).

    I would think that as long as the person's passing wasn't tragic it wouldn't be a sad day?  Maybe that's just my family but my great grandmother's birthday is such a happy day for all of us.  She died when I was 20 at 103 and it's a nice day to celebrate her still.  She actually even died close to her birthday...

    I know that when my grandma passes, I will be so sad (we're very close - I'm named after her), but I think our birthdays will always be a nice memory we share since we've always celebrated together (like I mentioned it's our thing as September birthdays).   I have so many fond memories of my grandpa singing "Happy Birthday BettyAnn, Beth & Brad" super fast each year...haha.

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  • I wouldn't mind sharing my birthday but in your case I'd go for the 13th.  Not only will her birthday be shared with her great-grandmother and uncle, but think of all of the fun Friday the 13th parties she can have!
  • DS was due on my birthday.  I was induced 2 days later.  

    I wish he had been born on my birthday, as for the past 3 years, I have spent my birthday preparing for his party.  Obviously, I care more about his bday than mine, but still...    On the flip side, it's nice to go out for dinner with DH on my birthday and get a sitter and not feel guilty that I'm leaving DS on his birthday.  Then again, if we were on the same day, we could all go out together....


    David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11
  • I don't know if I have an opinion either way. It wouldn't upset me if I had a child that happened to be born on my birthday. But I don't think I'd schedule a c-section for my birthday either. Hmm...

    My best friend is pg with her second, and he's due on her birthday. Her first was born on her dad's birthday.

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • Rink08Rink08 member
    DS was born on DH's birthday and it was not planned. He due x-mas day and stayed an extra day. DH loves it and right now DS thinks it's neat. He's 3 and was all excited last birthday because it was his and daddy's special day. I don't know if that will change as he gets older, but I think that it'll be fine.
  • ZenyaZenya member
    I would not.  What if I wanted to go out on a date with DH my birthday night?  Or go stay in a hotel overnight?  Or ever enjoy my birthday for the next few years without running around like a lunatic obsessing about a kids party?  I want my own day, dammit ;)
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  • It wouldn't bother me, but DD and I have birthdays very close.  Hers is October 11, mine is October 14.  DH's is October 30.
  • DD and I share a birthday.  At first, I was not thrilled with the idea.  I wouldn't have it any other way!  it is too cute to hear her say "if it's your birthday, it's my b-day! 

    I am a big believer in your birthday being your own personal holiday.  I have always taken my birthday off from work!

    We are both guaranteed a party and cake forever.  Not to mention if anyone forgets our birthday, they are in big trouble.  We usually do our birthday with family and close friends.  Our birthday is the day before Halloween.  We do a kids party the following weekend.

  • imagekaren6784:

    DD and I share a birthday.  At first, I was not thrilled with the idea.  I wouldn't have it any other way!  it is too cute to hear her say "if it's your birthday, it's my b-day! 

    I am a big believer in your birthday being your own personal holiday.  I have always taken my birthday off from work!

    We are both guaranteed a party and cake forever.  Not to mention if anyone forgets our birthday, they are in big trouble.  We usually do our birthday with family and close friends.  Our birthday is the day before Halloween.  We do a kids party the following weekend.

    Too cute!  I keep thinking if we go this route it would definitely be fun.  :)

    I also keep thinking my mom picked the 10th for me (she had to have scheduled c/s) and I could pick the 10th for my daughter.  Kind of a neat connection...

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  • My mom and I are about a week apart for birthdays, we celebrate them together- I love it I can totally see you sharing a bday with your little girl, both of you being princesses for the day, mani's and pedi's out to lunch, movie.... Just a whole girls day with Mom everyday on ya'lls bday. I think it would be nice and special and great memories.
  • I don't post here often, but I share a birthday with my dad, and I think it's great =)  I have thought about what happens when he dies and how I might feel on my birthday, but I think all these years of fun birthdays together will help me feel better.
  • This isn't parent/child situation, but my parents have the same birthday. (They've been celebrating together since he turned 18 and she turned 16.) Anyway - I know that my parents never *said* that it bothered them or not to have the same birthday, and in ways it's really cool for my parents to have the same birthday, but one thing I learned growing up with this is that there are times that one birthday overshadows the other, no matter how hard you try for it not to. Like, when my dad turned 50, my mom pretty much didn't get a birthday that year. Same deal when my mom turned 50.

    So, just consider the fact that no matter how much you may be okay with it, there might be a time when someone really wants to focus on you, and that might take away from LO, and vice versa. 


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