How do you keep them busy for the day when you have stuff that you have to get done? We are going away for the weekend...the kids are staying with in-laws. this is my only day to pack because I work tomorrow. The kids are not behaving. They aren't playing with their toys, not finding anything to do and whatever I suggest for them to play with they aren't interested. It is one of those climbing all over each other, fighting, running around the house kind of days.
What do you do with kids when you have to get stuff done?
Re: How do you keep you kids busy?
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I let DS finger paint sometimes. It is a rare occasion, and he could do it for forever. However, I have to keep moving his old paper and getting him new ones. I put him in our high chair, which puts him at the perfect height for our kitchen island.
Movies work too. He really likes watching them on the little DVD player.
The sand and water table works for us or sidewalk chalk on black paper.
The TV is also my friend.
on days like that - tv. I can also ask my 5 y.o. to play with my 2 y.o. nicely and if he would, he'd earn some special treat. works 50% of the time. I usually try that first... and then tv.
oh, and we take off cushions and they go crazy in the living room.
Slumber parties usually work, especially if I've taken them out earlier to wear them out. But, this is where having my ILs live me with comes in handy. They will usually watch them while I pack. I will also sometimes just tackle the laundry and fold it nearby the kids, set out what I'm taking and then just throw it all in a suitcase after DH gets home or the kids are in bed.
Ditto the TV thing. I'm not above using movies/cartoons/video games to keep them occupied if there's something else that I really need to get done. For ds Legos also work for a while before he gets bored. Setting them up with stickers/markers/glue/paper/scissors also sometimes does the trick.
Other times, like Lari said, they just have to run around, fuss, and work it out themselves.
Dump a bunch of dry beans/rice on some cookie sheets and let them "build" roads/cities, drive cars around in them...not too messy!