Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

Kiddie pools in the back yard

My kids are 4.5 and almost 2. We have a neighborhood splash park and neighborhood pool. While the nanny is allowed to take them to the splash park, the pool is off limits. I know it's hard for me to keep an eye on them both, so I prefer to just not put the nanny in that situation.

That said, I'm wondering if it's worth spending the small amount to get a kiddie pool for the backyard that they can splash around in. At 4.5, DD really likes to swim - either with a life jacket or swim ring, so I fear she would get board with it.

Who has a kiddie pool, and how old are your kids?

Re: Kiddie pools in the back yard

  • My kids are 3.5 and 2.  We had a kiddie pool last year (when they were 2.5 and 1) and it was nice, especially for my youngest.  My oldest preferred to be in our big pool.  At the end of the summer, I ended up getting rid of it because by then, they both preferred to be in the big pool and now, they don't even like the splash pad - they just want to swim.  I put DD in a swim sweater and DS in a tube.

    Yes, I think its worth it as a fun activity, but more for younger kids than yours.... that is just my experience with my kids though.

  • We have this one for my 5 and 10 year old and they will stay in it for hours!!! It was well worth the money!


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