Baby Names

i *think* we have narrowed it down to...

boy: Torin James (James after my uncle who passed when I was 10)

girl: Cadence Rian (Rian after DH's brother who passed before we met)

what do you think?! 

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Re: i *think* we have narrowed it down to...

  • Did your husband's brother spell Ryan "Rian?" Other than this misspelling, the names are nice. I don't like Torin, but I've seen worse. I can't, however, enjoy the name Rian, especially if, as I suspect, you've changed the spelling just to feminize it.
  • I have Rian on my list for girl names. Cute!
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  • imagestrangebird:
    Did your husband's brother spell Ryan "Rian?" Other than this misspelling, the names are nice. I don't like Torin, but I've seen worse. I can't, however, enjoy the name Rian, especially if, as I suspect, you've changed the spelling just to feminize it.

    no, he spelled his name "ryan" but I love the name Rian for a girl. 

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  • Honestly, I really don't like either one at all. Sorry, just nms.
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  • NMS, but congrats on choosing. Ryan spelled Rian makes me think you meant to write Rain but mispelled it.
  • I like the middle names a lot more than the first names.

    And just throwing this out there-a family friend named his daughter Ryann.

    I think maybe partly what may bother people about Rian is that it looks like Rain. 

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imagemj.reilly:


    Honestly, I really don't like either one at all. Sorry, just nms.

    ... and this:

    NMS, but congrats on choosing. Ryan spelled Rian makes me think you meant to write Rain but mispelled it.


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  • i've known two grown women with the name Ryan, spelled Ryan.  IMO, you don't need to change the spelling to feminize it.  I agree that it just looks like a misspelling.
  • imageHappyMrsK:
    NMS, but congrats on choosing. Ryan spelled Rian makes me think you meant to write Rain but mispelled it.

    I actually thought that at first... but it's a middle name. People won't see/say it often, so if you like it, go for it.

    I like both first names- nms, but not bad! :) 

  • I think Cadence Ryan would be so cute!

    Don't change the spelling especially if it's to honor someone! 

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  • Torin is awful.

    Rian is bad but at least it's a middle name.

    Cadence is NMS. 

  • imagelovemytwoboys:
    Honestly, I really don't like either one at all. Sorry, just nms.


    And I have to agree that Rian really looks like a typo for rain.

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I love Cadence Rian. I never would have considered Rian for a girl but it's totally gorgeous in combination. I like James but Torin makes me think of Torrid (clothing shop) so it's a bit strange to me.
  • I don't know how I feel about Torin but Torin James does flow well.

    Love Cadence! A friends little girl's mn is Ryan. DH has a friend that spells it Ryen.

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  • imageHappyMrsK:
    NMS, but congrats on choosing. Ryan spelled Rian makes me think you meant to write Rain but mispelled it.

    I like your names, but I agree with this pp.

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  • Sorry, nms at all.
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  • Cadence Rian - I saw Cadence the rhythm of rain. It looks misspelled.

    I would either use Cadence Ryan like your brother's name or Rhian, the legitimate Welsh female name that means Maiden.

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  • imagemj.reilly:


    Honestly, I really don't like either one at all. Sorry, just nms.

    ... and this:

    NMS, but congrats on choosing. Ryan spelled Rian makes me think you meant to write Rain but mispelled it.



  • I love Cadence, but that's my nieces name so I may be a little biased :)
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