

Hi there,

How are you? I received my package yesterday and just wanted to thank you so much!!!!!!!!! G saw it and said what's that. I just started to laugh. I told him and I think he probably thought I was nuts.

 Thank you so much!


Re: Yodajo

  • YodajoYodajo member

    I'm glad you got it!  Hopefully it arrived w/o damage.  Let me know what you think after you try it for a while. 

    I know what you mean about the husband.  I recieved a magazine in the mail from Melanie and mine asked who it was from.  I just said, "One of my girls" and walked away. :)

    I'm good.  How are you?  Is your day going by fast?   We just got back from shopping at HomeGoods and  found nothing, again.  I am motivated to do stuff, but can't find what I what.  I did take the boys to eat at a casual Mexican restaurant and they were so good for me.  I may do it every week with them now, it was that enjoyable. 

    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • haha!! I like that one. I will definitely let you know how it works out.

    I'm a little tired today but my day is going by fast. Since I was out yesterday I had alot to catch up on so it's going quickly! Yay for fast days! 

    That's funny we did that too yesterday after we saw the baby.  We have a place called On the Border. My kids weren't so great though : ) Colin threw a glass plate on the ground and it didn't break but he tried grabbing everything on the table to just throw it. E was whiny and tired as she had no nap. I was shocked that G held it together. I said "wow, look at you not freaking out". He said I know, I am pleased with myself!! Usually he wants the hell out of any place once the kids start acting up.

     That stinks. I ran to Lowe's yesterday and I bought deck stain but when I tried to get the shades for colin's room, it was taking way too long and I just left.  I was happy to see they have plantation shutters though. I am definitely thinking of doing those in our bathroom and the family room so I felt that the prices would be better at Lowe's than a window type place.

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  • YodajoYodajo member

    How is the baby?  Did you take pics?

    That's how the boys usually arre when we're out.  Max is grabbing at everything and Sam is either whining or being impatient or something.  Today, Max ate and was smiling and singing and Sam was estatic that I let him have root beer (shhh, don't tell anyone) that I could have given him concrete to eat and he would have happily gobbled it up.  It was just so nice to enjoy a meal out w/o any nagging or pleading.  Chris is the same way too.  Poor behavior at dinnertime, whether we're out or at home is one of his top pet peeves.

    I like the plantation shutter idea!  I was thinking of those for my office and 1/2 bath.  I heard that Lowe's was having a huge clearance on their curtains.  75% off, I think?  I should have emailed you when I heard about it yesterday or the day before. 

    Glad your day is going by fast!  I always like busy days for that sole reason!

    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • haha about the rootbeer!

    Yes, the pics are on fb. I just put the kodak album on there. She's good. My sister was very nervous this morning as she sounded "junky" but the pedi came in and she sounds fine he said. He said she had alot of fluid when she was born but her lungs are fine. I think my whole family is scarred by our experience with Em and the RSV as an infant! They get home tomorrow. I ended up giving her my glider and ottoman. It's pink gingham check and I had it in C's room (I know bad mommy but I never got the slipcovers or paid to have it re-upholstered!!).  She was psyched about it as it's really comfy.  It's by Dutailer. I really don't use it much.

    Sometimes C and G seem alike!

     I'll be going back there this weekend so I will have to check it out. We have a b-day party on saturday for our friend's daughter. Other than that, no plans which sounds divine to me right now!

  • YodajoYodajo member

    I can imagine that going through that would leave quite an impression on a person.  I hope she is sounding better soon!  One of mine, maybe Max, was like that.  I think it was because he was born so quickly that the fluid was not pushed out of his lungs likeit normally should have.  What a nice gift!  Those chairs are nice for newborns, but I rarely sit in mine now. 

    I'll have to chexck out fb after I get some cleaning done. 

    I'm not sure what we're doing this weekend.  I fee like we have have something planned, buit don't know what.  we were going to go back up north, but I think we're staying home now.  My bday is Sun, so I am hoping to at least get out for a nice dinner.

    I'm sure they would get along great!


    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • That's probably it. She was born rather quickly. Her lungs sound fine and the dr said she was fine in terms of oxygen and all that.

    that would be nice! We went out saturday night and ate on the outside of this restaurant right on the water. It was so much fun! We went with my friend and her husband.  I love eating out on a deck or terrace in the summer!

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