North Dakota Babies

Blood Pressure Vibes

Today I have my OB clinical appointment today.  I see a different doctor each week as there are four doctors that deliever at my hospital.  When I seen my family doctor last week, he told me my blood pressure needs to go down or I will be put in the hospital to be on bed rest.  So if anyone has any spare vibes that my blood pressure is better that would be amazing.  I am not sure if it would be I would go in and deliever ASAP, if it would be a few days until I was released to go home, or if I would have to stay until I have the baby which could be almost a month.  Hopefully I took it easy enough to stay out, but since it is a different doctor as well, I have no idea what will happen.  If I end up having to go in, I will try and post before I get admitted, or I will email my LB (I hope you don't mind) so that you ladies know why I disappeared as there is no internet at my hospital.  I do know that whatever happens it is best for my baby, and that is the main thing.

TIA ladies

A & T Since 2009 Parents of A born July 2010

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