How long can you wait between your water breaking (or being broken) and administering pitocin or having to have a C-section if you aren't progressing? All of the pitocin posts have got me curious. I will have an epi but I don't want pitocin. Hopefully my water will break and I will have contractions and progression and won't need it but I also don't want to put my baby in danger if there is a certain time limit.
Re: Safe amount of time between water breaking and delivery?
This, usually. However, my doula said there's no need to rush to the hospital the second your water breaks. If my water breaks, I'll call the L&D ward to let them know, and then I'll monitor my body temp and time contractions. I will still wait to go in until my contractions are close together.
I think the time to be concerned is if your water breaks and contractions don't start or intensify.