I recently switched to Soy Formula b/c my LO wasn't tolerating breastmilk or milk based formula. He's doing good for the most part (no more grumbly tummy or excessive gas or irritability) BUT now he's constipated I feel like I can't win! Anyone who's used Soy before..
Did you find that a certain brand of Soy formula caused less/no constipation? We're using Good Start.
Will his body adjust to the Soy and he'll no longer be constipated or will we have to take him off Soy to prevent it?
When do babies start to tolerate dairy better? So I can introduce some breastmilk or milk based forumla again.
Re: Soy Formula Question
I used soy with my first son. It did make him constipated at first and I'd add a tiny bit of apple juice to his bottle to help move things along. His constipation did not last.
If I was going to do soy formula again I would only use a GMO free soy. There is a brand called "baby's only" that is gmo free. Do some research, I didn't before I gave my son soy formula and I kind of regret it.