She won't sleep in the peapod... I try to zip her up and she wakes up and freaks... any suggestions?
We had to move to a different hotel than the original one we were going to stay in because there was no AC there and no screens on the windows and the mosquitos on this island are vicious! She's in an old school play pen now with recieving blankets pinned to kinda close the big holes in the screens on the side of it and I've got the net I bought for our travel stroller over the top, but I'd MUCH rather her sleep in the pea pod, if there's a trick to it...
And as for the plane - I only had minor heart attacks 3 times on the big flight, but cried and panicked the entire second flight... thank goodness my princess was sleeping...
Re: Megan
I would always put Mya in it after she fell asleep for sleeping and then for playing someone would try to keep her occupied. To tell you the truth, she never cried in it. I wonder if you try putting rolled up towels on each side of her if she would feel more snuggled and secure?
As for the plane, lets go for only 2 heart attacks on the way home.