My mom swears it's possible to hold a baby too much, thus spoiling them and they will not want to be put down. I don't agree, I think you can hold a baby and pick them up when they cry as much as you want and still not spoil them-at least for the first few months. WDYT?[Poll]
Re: Clicky: Spoil a baby?
Anyone who says you can spoil a BABY by HOLDING them too much is a moron, IMO.
Hold that baby every second you can, because, soon, it will be over and you won't be able to hold him anymore.
Once again, I agree with Mel. Babies are for holding, cuddling, and taking care of.
Agree 1,000%. DS was held/worn pretty much constantly his whole first year. He turned out just fine :-) ?
I feel this way about my 4 year old. She is super attached to me (cries whenever her dad puts her to sleep instead of me, likes to fall asleep clinging my hair), and sometimes I get so irritates with the incessant closeness. But, then I think, in 10 years, she'll probably want nothing to do with me, so I'm going to soak up all the saran wrapping now.